Friday, August 7, 2009

GLBT News Headlines (T4T-6)

We’re not out of the woods by any means, but as signature verification continues in Washington State, a larger share of our opponents signatures are being rejected than they need.  See my post from yesterday for more background.  According to the Secretary of State’s blog: Referendum checkers, beefing up their efforts to determine whether R-71 gets [...]
If you live in DC, tell us if you and your same-sex spouse/partner want to share your story! The Washington Blade ran a great story today (we’re proud that it features former HRC law fellow Julie Verratti and her spouse Emily) describing part of the campaign to bring marriage to D.C. Right now, same-sex couples [...]
First thing first, as promised, here are your answers from yesterday’s questions… Famous COLAGErs: Breakfast Club Shia LaBeouf Jodi Foster GSAs: 1987 Massachusetts I can’t believe it’s already Thursday! We’ve completed most of the programming for the middle school group. Yesterday our workshop was called “Activism in Your Own Backyard.” We asked the youth what activism meant to them and brainstormed different ways [...]
The American Psychological Association - the largest association of psychologists world-wide â€" now says it’s ethical -- and can be beneficial -- for counselors to help some clients reject gay or lesbian attractions. The association plans to promote the new...
SEX And The City co-stars Sarah Jessica Parker and Cynthia Nixon are reportedly not talking - after SJP failed to turn up for a gay rights rally. According to an American magazine, lesbian Cynthia is giving SJP the cold shoulder for failing to take part in the event in New York last June.
A lesbian priest from Chicago has been named as a nominee for bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota. The Reverend Bonnie Perry is one of three nominees for the position. The nomination comes less than a month after the Episcopal Church lifted its freeze on approving gay bishops. Perry was also a nominee for bishop of California in 2005 but withdrew early in the race. She has been in a ...

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