Friday, August 7, 2009

Gay News Magazine Headlines (T24T-2)

Supporters, opponents gear up for two-week battle before next session. After some serious arm-twisting before and during the Metro Council meeting on Aug. 6, a proposed change to Metroƃ¢??s non-discrimination policies long pushed by the GLBT community...
Group denounces sexual orientation treatments, advises education and support for sexual minority youth. American Psychological Assoc. says mental health professionals should avoid telling clients that they can change their sexual orientation through therapy..
Florida Republican to leave the senate, the women who write Mad Men are profiled, and more.
In a decision gay rights advocates call groundbreaking for Poland, a judge in the northwest of the country fined a woman for using homophobic slurs to describe her gay male neighbor, reports the BBC.
Gay rights activist David Mixner, who was admitted to a New York hospital Sunday, is in stable condition
Two Texas alcohol agents violated procedures during a raid on a gay bar in Fort Worth
Paula Abdul says she has no post-`Idol' plans yet but has received many offers

Collins neutral on Maine marriage referendum Senator takes no stand on 'state issues' By CHRIS JOHNSON, Washington Blade | Aug. 7 at 11:47 AM Aug. 7 at 11:47 AM A U.S. senator from Maine is taking no position on the likely upcoming referendum on...

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Idaho settles lawsuits from transgender inmates Dept. has also changed policy regarding identification, treatment BOISE (AP) | Aug. 7 at 10:25 AM Aug. 7 at 10:25 AM The Idaho Department of Correction has reached settlements in lawsuits with two...

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'One man's passion can make a difference' Allen Thornell remembered by friends, colleagues for tireless activism By MATT SCHAFER | Aug. 6 at 6:15 PM Aug. 6 at 6:15 PM Allen Thornell worked tirelessly seeking equality for LGBT people, those with...

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