Friday, August 7, 2009

Combined Gay News Headlines (T5T-1)

SOUNDBITES — "In fact, it's the silly distractions - like weighing in on his friend Skip Gates' arrest during a press conference on health care - that make the President seem unfocused and disturbingly cavalier about the gravity of our current woes, and the impact his sweeping policies will have on them. Drafting legislation to [...]
With Republican Sen. Mel Martinez announcing he's immediately resigning as the U.S. senator from Florida (amidst speculation he wants the top job at Florida State University), one wild rumor blowing in the wind had heterosexual Gov. Charlie Crist — whose job it is to pick Martinez's replacement — would appoint himself for the job. CONTINUED » Permalink [...]
Some online dating sites give you a 30-day free trial, only to bill your credit card when you forget to cancel your subscription. But Mister Meet Mister is willing to give you a full three months — FREE — without ever plopping down a credit card. How come? Because they're certain you'll like the guys [...]
â€"adjective    1.  gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood.    2.  characterized by or expressing gloom. This definition taken from
Imagine you’re sitting in your local GLBT center, relaxing on a couch enjoying the company of your fellow queers when a person dressed in black enters through the door, pauses for a moment theent then pulls out a gun and kills two people and injures fifteen others. Horrific, yes? Well this is exactly what happened in [...]

crossposted from

Here's the biggest bang for your buck on the fight to win ENDA, America: Indiana. These are the Legislators of the Day. Call them today!

After an extensive analysis of who's who and what's what on ENDA, I've organized the legislative priorities to win ENDA. Number one standout: Indiana. (The rest are listed, with my reasoning, at the end of this post.)

Because some Blue Dog Democrats in the Senate will probably vote against ENDA, we're going to need some Senate Republicans who are fair-minded to vote for job equality. In addition, the public support of a few more Representatives in the House is also needed. Indiana delivers a fair-minded Senate Republican, Senator Lugar, a Senate Blue Dog Democrat, Sen. Bayh, and four House members -- that is if you, the public, can persuade them to vote in favor of ENDA.

Please contact the legislators listed below today to ask for their support on ENDA, S1584 in the U.S. Senate, HR 3017 in the U.S. House of Representatives.

There's More...

This father's wonderful pit bull saved his son's life. Titus ran downstairs in distress barking and then tugging at the dad's sleeve. He went upstairs to find his baby hanging by the window shade co rd gasping for air. He was saved thanks to the family bond Titus has with his "pack." Say no to Breed Specific Legislation (BSL).

The fact of the matter is that you cannot predict which dog, by breed alone, is a danger either to a person or another dog. BSL usually calls to ban any breed that even LOOKS like a pit bull, AmStaff or other breeds of that type. So you could have a litter of pups fros from a cross between a Lab and a pit bull, one with the familiar broad head and jaw, another with a Lab-shaped head. Under BSL, the one that appears to be a pit, with a Lab temperament is banned and could by destroyed, while a one with a Lab appearance could have be unbalanced, nervous and a fear-biter, and be adopted out to a family with kids with disastrous results. That's madness.

BSL means if we take Casey on the road, there may be states where we cannot stop to let her out or she could be reported and taken from us. That's BS.

The pits are the last to be adopted, first to be euthanized, and people are missing out on good family pets like Titus and Casey, our beloved pit. Look at these lovely dogs up for adoption at the Animal Protection Society of Durham -- Madeline and Edison.

The real issue is that a lot of these dogs end up in shelters because people don't research a breed before adopting. The last couple of times I went to the APS, there were Chihuahuas (lots of them are not good around kids) and Jack Russell Terriers (need a lot exercise or they will destroy your house).

At the APS they temper test the dogs and label right on the kennel whether they are good with kids or other dogs, whether they are high-energy or need a quiet home. Judge a dog by its behavior, not the breed.

crossposted on Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters

The news about people acting like they have no home training at these health care town hall meetings across the country will backfire against the Republican party. But regardless, I hope no one gets seriously hurt.

To me however, it does show the blatant hypocrisy of the right wing.

Remember in November of last year when Proposition 8 was passed? Remember how angry we lgbts got? Remember how we protested across the country?

While so me of us went too far in our anger, the point is that it was a genuine outcry of rage. It was a genuine protest from a group of people who had been stepped on for too long.

Unlike this mess happening now in which the majority are white folks who are programmed by right wing groups with "talking points" or bombthrowers like Glenn Beck or Michelle Malkin (the proverbial child playing matches). And their guilliblity is made easy because they are too afraid to realize that their anger is not with the health care but with their inability to admit that they just don't like "THAT NEEEGROOOO" as president.

Think about it. When they shout and cry at meetings about "how they want their country back," they aren't referring to health care costs or single payer options.

And speaking of Malkin, remember how she wept and cried with pseudo disgust over us "gay bullies" who supposedly attacked people via protests and boycotts? Remember how Mike Huckabee told only one side to the Phyllis Burgess incident (i.e. the anti-gay protester who was pushed and her stryofoam cross taken from her after she elbowed her way through crowd of anti-Proposition 8 protestors so that she could get on camera). Remember how the religious right portrayed the lgbt community on the whole as thugs who were allegedly threatening people, vandalizing churches, and shouting people down?

Well either I am in the Twilight Zone or there has been a shift. Malkin now approves of shouting people down and religious right groups are encouraging folks to show up at these town hall forums.

While Malkin specifically was quick to shine a very bright light on the excesses of the Proposition 8 protests, she is trying to downplay just how nasty these "tea bag" protestors are acting at these health care forums.

Apparently protesting in anger is only wrong when gay folks do it. When lemmings do it at health care forums, it's "democracy in action."

Yet another way us lgbts are looked at as second class citizens.

Please join the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and Basic Rights Oregon (BRO) For a weekend of intimate events in Portland,featuring Kate Kendell, Esq., NCLR Executive Director and Jeana Frazzini, BRO Executive Director

The State of Our Unions: LGBT Legal & Policy Briefing Saturday, September 12, 2009 3:00 pm â€" 5:00 pm

Flying Cat Coffee Company 3041 SE Division Portland, Oregon

The legal landscape for LGBT people is ever-changing, and this year, that has proved to be especially true! With new victories and defeats occurring at a faster pace than ever, it’s hard to keep track of where our struggle for justice stands, and how and where ournd how and where our relationships are protected. Join us for a presentation and discussion on the latest legal and policy issues affecting the LGBT community, including an update on moving forward with marriage equality in Oregon and other states and federal legislation and litigation. There is no cost to attend. No RSVP necessary.

A Social for Social Justice: Benefit Party with NCLR and BRO Sunday, September 13, 2009 3:00 pm â€" 5:00 pm

Nostrana Restaurant With award-winning Chef Cathy Whims 1401 SE Morrison Street Portland, Oregon So much has happened over this past year â€" we hope you can join us for a fun and intimate afternoon to catch up with NCLR and BRO and find out more about our current work and what lies ahead in the fight for our LGBT civil and human rights. Suggested Donation: $25, payable at the door. Please RSVP by September 4th to Dena Zaldúa-Hilkene at with subject line “NCLR Portland Event” or call 415.365.1303. Reservations will be held at the door.

The Portland Art Museum in collaboration with Bottlenotes will be hosting a wine tasting extravaganza Thursday, August 13th in which a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Basic Rights Oregon. With over 80 of theugust 13th in which a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Basic Rights Oregon. With over 80 of the finest wines from around the world, come ready to experience a night full of flavor and fun!
New York Comedians Aunt Joanna and Eddie Sarfaty will be performing a benefit show for Basic Rights Oregon on August 21st & 22nd at CC Slaughter's. The show Starts @ 8 P.M., so don't miss out on a night of hilarity with two of the hottest comedians around! Comedians Aunt Joanna and Eddie Sarfaty will be performing a benefit show for Basic Rights Oregon on August 21st & 22nd at CC Slaughter's. The show Starts @ 8 P.M., so don't miss out on a night of hilarity with two of the hottest comedians around!
TGIF! Friday’s Entertainment & Lifestyle Post includes: Adamo Ruggiero on the town; Sexy Lance Bass sighting; Liev Schreiber in drag; Musicals, plays of note, and dancing; Plus John Waters’ strange friendship. Celeb Sightings: - A Quickie… Spotted: Lance Bass at the season finale of “So You Think You Can Dance” looking mighty sexy in a beard. - On [...]
TGIF! Friday’s News Post includes: Updates on the Fort Worth raid; A raid on a Chinese Lesbian Mag; A barrister in Cameroon who fights for justice; A Kenyan male prostitute speaks out; Sexuality in Bangladesh; A Gay PM?; A prat MP down under and a bit more… Fort Worth Bar Raid Update: - Dallas News reports: TABC [...]
TORONTO, ON — The American Psychological Association adopted a resolution Wednesday stating that mental health professionals should avoid telling clients that they can change their sexual orientation through therapy or other treatments. The “Resolution on Appropriate Affirmative Responses to Sexual Orientation Distress and Change Efforts” also advises thises that parents, guardians, young people and their families avoid [...]

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