Friday, August 7, 2009

Combined Gay News Headlines (T5T-1)

"Twitter users increasingly follow hashtags as attentively as they do single-author Twitter feeds. As a subject crests in the popular imagination, certain hashtags become affixed to the story â€" or to a way of seeing the story. You tend to be loyal to your hashtags, at least for a few days, and track them wherever [...]
More sad news from Walker Middle School outside Tampa. April's lockerroom hockey stick raping of a 13-year-old boy has already resulted in four teenagers (pictured) charged with assault, as adults. Now investigators say much of the flag football team watched it happen: CONTINUED » Permalink | 1 comment | Add to Tagged: Crime, Florida, Rape, School, Sex, [...]
The National Equality March is coming! The National Equality March is coming! And self-appointed leader Cleve Jones says he and his cohorts have raised $150,000 for the event, which is quite a bit of money! Jones even says he has the support of national gay rights groups, like the Human Rights Campaign and the National [...]
So I heard someone use this word the other day and I really liked it… â€"adjective  1.  gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood.  2.  characterized by or expressing gloom. This definition taken from
Imagine you’re sitting in your local GLBT center, relaxing on a couch enjoying the company of your fellow queers when a person dressed in black enters through the door, pauses for a moment then pulls out a gun and kills two people and injures fifteen others. Horrific, yes? Well this is exactly what happened in [...]
Tonight's reading assignment, folks.

Check this out (from their website)- emphasis mine:

Stand for Marriage Maine Campaign Pledge

August 06, 2009

Mr. Jesse Connolly, Campaign Manager
No on One, Protect Maine Equality

Dear Jesse:

We are aware from media reports today that you have sent a "pledge" to conduct an ethical campaign consistent with Maine practice and statutes for Frank Schubert of Schubert/Flint to sign. We are pleased that your campaign has finally responded to our long-standing call for both sides of this issue to conduct an honest, civil and respectful campaign. We are pleased you have accepted our challenge.

Stand for Marriage Maine will be signing the campaign conduct pledge form you provided.

We were delighted to see your commitment to "uphold the right of every qualified voter to free and equal participation in the election process." This is quite a change of direction given the extraordinary efforts made by Equality Maine and your allies to prevent Maine voters from having any say on this issue whatsoever during the Legislative session.

In addition to conducting an honest and forthright campaign, we hope that you will agree with us on the following principles.

Agree to at least one public debate with the media invited to cover it live. The voters deserve to hear from both sides of this important issue in a forum that allows for a full discussion of the ramifications of LD 1020.

Agree that no contributor, volunteer or staff member will be harassed due to their participation in the campaign. Regretfully, supporters of marriage in California and other states were repeatedly harassed by gay marriage activists including posting their personal information on the Web, having their employers called, and subjecting them to various forms of intimidation.

Agree that property will not be destroyed, as has happened elsewhere. This includes destroying or defacing campaign signs, damaging vehicl es containing bumper stickers and defacing churches that are active in the campaign.

Agree that churches on both sides of the issue will be dealt with respectfully and no attempt will be made to interfere with their lawful expression of beliefs or discussion with their members and the public.

We hope you can join us in making this pledge Jesse for the well being and safety of all and for the opportunity to have a fact-filled and honest debate over this important issue.

In the future we urge you to address your concerns to those that are charged with the decision making responsibility for our campaign. As I think you already know, Schubert/Flint are under contract with our campaign but it is the Executive Committee, Bob Emrich, Brian Brown, and myself as chair, that make the final call.


Marc R Mutty, Chair, Executive Committee
Bob Emrich, Executive Committee

Okay, let's parse out this mess... just love the scolding and finger-pointing, don't you?

Yeah- the public hearing was held "silently".In a vaccuum, with no media coverage and no open debate, discussion or participation whatsoever.

It's not as if it was rescheduled from its original location at Cony High to the Augusta Civic Center, a much larger place, and certainly it's not as if the entire public hearing, as well as the debates in the Statehouse and votes weren't available live online.

Or covered by both print and television media- locally, nationally and even internationally.

It's not as if the public were invited to testify for an entire day, and even extended an additional hour, as there were so many still waiting in line to speak.


As for the implied violence aspects of this screed, this is out and out disgraceful- but as we saw in mid-July, Marc Mutty wasn't above "going there" anyways to the media. This makes TWICE, Marc.

Gonna go for the Trifecta?

Trying to play the "gay panic card" is repulsive. Trying to use it to damage fellow Mainers and their families is unforgiveable.


As for "who the spokepeople are", let's examine that; I'm a bit confused.

We had Bishop Malone speaking at the public hearing and to the press, speaking on behalf of all Catholics in Maine- whether or not THEY agree with HIM.

Then Marc Mutty and Bob Emrich, whispering together at the Judicial Committee hearing (a comment from one to the other when the hearing was interrupted by a distraught Christian grandmother, who ended up being escorted out by security, included laughing and agreeing that their official position was going to be "NO COMMENT!" if the press asked them about her).

Nice way to treat one of your own, gentlemen. Class, real class.

Then we had Mike Heath, a constant figure in the Statehouse, who also later said that his pal Pete LaBarbara was going to join in, kicking off his "Truth Tour 2009" in 3 secret locations with NO MEDIA ALLOWED. Funny how that was quietly shut down with STILL no explanation.

Why IS that? What happened to the "Truth Tour"?

But I've got a bigger question: if you've hired Schubert/Flint, why are YOU being THEIR spokespersons?

They're the supposed media experts, right? Soooo.... why did neither Jeff Flint or Frank Schubert mention this point of "who is running the show" over the course of the past 2 weeks of media coverage?

Seems you might wanna renegotiate the terms of their contract...  

Kind of strange, really, to realize how fragile our elec electronic infrastructure really is.

The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times are both reporting that yesterday's attack on social networking sites was aimed at just one blogger from the Republic of Georgia.

From the Los Angeles Times' Cyber attack that brought down Twitter was aimed at dissident blogger:

The cyber attack that brought down Twitter for several hours Thursday was aimed at a single blogger located in the country of Georgia.

The blogger was identified as a dissident who uses the name of Cyxymu, according to a source close to Facebook, which was also targeted in the attack.

The attack began about 5 a.m. PDT, with hackers trying to discredit Cyxymu by making him appear to be a spammer, according to analysts at the Sophos online security firm. The initial attack also tried to get a huge number of users to click on the blogger's Twitter, Facebook and other sites in an attempt to bring them down.

About an hour later, with the blogger sites still operational, the hackers mounted a direct massive attack on the sites. There was such a huge amount of "collateral damage" from the attack, said Beth Jones of Sophos, that Twitter crashed and Facebook's operation was compromised...

From the New York Times' Attack on Twitter Came in Two Waves:

The meltdown that left 45 million Twitter users unable to access the service on Thursday came in two waves and was directed at a single blogger who has voiced his support for the Republic of Georgia in that country's continuing conflict with Russia.

Facebook's chief security officer, Max Kelly, told CNet that the attack was aimed at a user known as Cyxymu, who had accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal and other sites affected by Thursday's cyberassault.

In an interview with The Guardian, the blogger said he believed the strike was an attempt to silence his criticism on the behavior of Russia in the conflict over the South Ossetia region in Georgia, which began a year ago on Friday...

Both articles are very interesting reading.

And again, this gives you an idea of just how fragile information age technology is to outside attack. Something unpleasant to ponder, I think, when thinking of our modern way of living.

If the opponents of the President's health care reform want to look like legitimate opposition and not fringe crazies like the birtherrthers, it's probably a good idea to closet up this faction of its "support" (Firedoglake);
Last night we had a rapid response effort after hearing reports that the Malkinites were going to swarm a health care event in Denver where Nancy Pelosi was showing up in support of Jared Polis and Diane DeGette.

Mark S. took videos and uploaded them to us after the event.  Notably, he spoke with on 16 year-old who had identified himself to Jeralyn as hailing from Wasilla, Alaska. Mark got a shot of his t-shirt, which had a picture of Obama and the slogan "Hitler gave good speeches, too":

He was chanting "read the bill, read the bill." I'm having a hard time believing that kid read the 1000 page bill.

And the FAIL isn't relegated to teens, look at this kid's probable role model, the untethered-from-reality-for-a-paycheck Glenn Beck, who jokes about poisoning Pelosi.

Please join the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and Basic Rights Oregon (BRO) For a weekend of intimate events in Portland,featuring Kate Kendell, Esq., NCLR Executive Director and Jeana Frazzini, BRO Executive Director

The State of Our Unions: LGBT Legal & Policy Briefing Saturday, September 12, 2009 3:00 pm â€" 5:00 pm

Flying Cat Coffee Company 3041 SE Division Portland, Oregon

The legal landscape for LGBT people is ever-changing, and this year, that has proved to be especially true! With new victories and defeats occurring at a faster pace tictories and defeats occurring at a faster pace than ever, it’s hard to keep track of where our struggle for justice stands, and how and where our relationships are protected. Join us for a presentation and discussion on the latest legal and policy issues affecting the LGBT community, including an update on moving forward with marriage equality in Oregon and other states and federal legislation and litigation. There is no cost to attend. No RSVP necessary.

A Social for Social Justice: Benefit Party with NCLR and BRO Sunday, September 13, 2009 3:00 pm â€" 5:00 pm

Nostrana Restaurant With award-winning Chef Cathy Whims 1401 SE Morrison Street Portland, Oregon So much has happened over this past year â€" we hope you can join us for a fun and intimate afternoon to catch up with NCLR and BRO and find out more about our current work and what lies ahead in the fight for our LGBT civil and human rights. Suggested Donation: $25, payable at the door. Please RSVP by September 4th to Dena Zaldúa-Hilkene at with subject line “NCLR Portland Event” or call 415.365.1303. Reservations will be held at the door.

The Portland Art Museum in collaboration with Bottlenotes will be hosting a wine tasting extravaganza Thursday, August 13th collaboration with Bottlenotes will be hosting a wine tasting extravaganza Thursday, August 13th in which a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Basic Rights Oregon. With over 80 of the finest wines from around the world, come ready to experience a night full of flavor and fun!
New York Comedians Aunt Joanna and Eddie Sarfaty will be performing a benefit show for Basic Rights Oregon on August 21st & 22nd at CC Slaughter's. The show Starts @ 8 P.M., so don't miss out on a night of hilarity with two of the hottest comedias @ 8 P.M., so don't miss out on a night of hilarity with two of the hottest comedians around!
This week’s featured music video is from Johnny Dangerous’ album ‘White Hot’ Video: (Wan Dat) Azz Iz More Dirty Music from Johnny Dangerous: - Official Johnny Dangerous Site - Johnny Dangerous on MySpace Related Posts: - ‘Dirty Is The New Black’ - Curious

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