Sunday, January 10, 2010

Combined Gay News Headlines (T5T-1)

Oh, this is just delicious. As we've noted on previous occasions, the Obama administration is no enemy of executive orders and fancy ways to execute power plays. The White House has made clear it's just fine using signing statements to bypass laws, passed by Congress, that it deems, by way of the Constitution, too limiting [...]
As the battle over televising the federal Prop 8 trial continues (five cities will get a live feed), one of Perry v. Schwarzenegger's defendants/intervenors, Hak-Shing William Tam, is asking the court of the eve of the trial's start to from the lawsuit. How come? Well, he fears you gay rights supporters are going to hunt [...]
A new State Department directive, sent via cable to U.S. embassies araround the world instructing them to follow Obama's June orders and ask host countries to issue visas to the same-sex partners of foreign service officers (FSOs) unless that would cause a shit fit, reads in part: "EXCEPTION TO ACTION REQUEST: Posts that are of [...]
On my trip back home from Hayward CA,  myself and a good friend Rowshawn White and her boyfriend were heading back home and before getting to the  freeway i  had my gps showing us the way and then out of no where she hit the brake and fly into the parking lot of this wonderful [...]
Fresno Stonewall Democrats will meet on Wednesday, January 13, 2009 at Carrow’s Restaurant, 4280 N. Blackstone at Ashlan in Fresno. Dinner and social 6 P.M. Meeting 7 P.M. We will be discussing the current policies of the Obama administration in Afghanistan as well as participation in local activities. Fresno Stonewall Democrats represents the interests of the [...]



Tickets are $10 all pre-event ticket buyers will be entered to win a Marriott/The Original New Year’s Eve package!

Tickets will be available at these locations:

Funny Bone

Just Out

The Original

Basic Rights Oregon office


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