Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christian Bigots Abound and Harm Humanity again and again and again

It’s kind of like punishing a child. When sent to their room, the child’s screams are loudest just before entering their room.

We all know Christianity and the bible was used to kill millions of people worldwide that would not convert to Christianity.

We all know Christianity and the bible was used to justify slavery. The bible even tells you what countries you may obtain slaves from and describes a slave owners’ relationship with *his slave plus more (*there weren’t any female slave owners since females were subservient to man).

We’ve all seen Christianity and the bible used to justify a woman’s second-class status.

We’ve all seen Christianity and the bible used to justify racial discrimination.

Now we are seeing Christianity and the bible used to justify LGBTQI second-class status.

Most activity of this type stems from what many of us would call the religious right (who, by the way, are always wrong).

It was the religious right that supported slavery (while the religious left, like the Quakers, fought to end it). It was the Bible belt that enforced Jim Crow laws, and it was the religious right that opposed integration and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Jerry Falwell used exactly the same language against integration that he later used against the LGBTQI community.

It was the religious right that opposed the Equal Rights Amendment, and as a result, women still earn less than men in many places.

As we can see, history clearly shows it is the religious right that has always been on the wrong side of every issue. From the religious leaders who opposed Jesus, to the Salem witch trials, to slavery, to integration, to interracial marriage, and now to Gay rights and marriage.

In every case, they claimed to have scripture on their side.

Now we see the worldwide head count of Christians diminishing. Of course this is to be expected. After all, time and time again the christian right has proven itself closed minded, biased, bigoted and unable to progress.

We live in a day where politicians think they can win by outing another candidate. Of course we have seen that backfire in most cases. In fact, the opposite effect is achieved. The bigot is simply exposing his bigotry.

We’ve all seen this type of logic before. Liars think everyone is a liar, in order to justify their own lying. These bigots are in the same boat. They feel everyone else is a bigot. This provides them 'justification' for their bigotry.

Human beings evolve and learn. The Christian right (always wrong) insults our intelligence by attempting to control us with their lies and attacks.

Unfortunately, for them, history along with current actions show us Christianity and the bible continue to be misued and abused by the bigots and small minded.

The sad truth is they are doing so much harm to Christianity. You’d think the 'good Christians' would stand up and speak loudly. Some do, but most don’t. I hope 'good Christians' can step up to the plate as the Quakers did so many years ago.

I say to those 'good Christians' who are remaining silent in the background that your religion is in need of your assistance. As the late great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated "silence is betrayal".

Now we see the vocal right side of Christianity is the wrong side. If the good side of Christianity doesn’t stand up, Christianity will continue it’s journey into insignificance.

Silence = Death

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out. a 24/7 LGBTQIA Independent Internet Radio Station. Visit, Listen, Support and become involved.

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