Wednesday, August 5, 2009

LGBT News Headlines (T26T-5)

Psychologists Reject Gay 'Therapy'
New York Times
By AP The American Psychological Association declared Wednesday that mental health professionals should not tell gay clients they can become straight ...
Psychologists dismiss gay-to-straight therapyUSA Today
APA: Gay conversion therapy can cause depression and suicide
APA: Stop Ex-Gay
all 386 news articles »

Boston Globe

Bolt, Gay planning to race in Brussels
The Associated Press
The showdown between Olympic champion Usain Bolt and Tyson Gay will keep going after the world championships, when the sprint rivals compete in a 100-meter ...
Bolt and Gay to star in BrusselsBBC Sport
Bolt and Gay to clash in BrusselsWorld-Track and Field Website
Bolt/Gay to clash again after world
Reuters Canada -The Sun
all 121 news articles »


Downey Hints at Gay Relationship in Sherlock Holmes
Wired News
In his comments, Downey never really says anything direct about a gay angle. He's playing games. Meanwhile, featuring a gay relationship between Holmes and ...
'Sherlock Holmes' gay? (Poll)Kansas City Star
Robert Downey's Sherlock Holmes Is Gay?Cinema Blend
A Gay Sherlock Holmes Movie?The Frisky
all 99 news articles »

The Lesbian and Gay Foundation

Frank, Polis praise Israel for investigation into LGBT attack
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
"The commitments you have expressed to solve this monstrous crime and to ensure the security of LGBT Israelis is an important affirmation of this example of ...
Vigil in Support of LGBT Israelis in Wake of Tel Aviv
Vigils across the world in support of Tel Aviv LGBT communityThe Lesbian and Gay Foundation
The haredi factorJerusalem Post
Alternative Information Center (AIC) -The Jewish Journal of greater L.A
all 24 news articles »

No LGBT Elder Left Behind
Bay Windows
They were all helped through the services of the LGBT Aging Project, a non-profit agency based in Boston that supports LGBT seniors like these individuals ...
LGBT Noise demonstrationSocialist Worker
Letters: Mr. President; Work force; Parade; AIDSWindy City Times
Outspoken Activists Defend Africa's Sexual DiversityInter Press Service

all 5 news articles »

GLBT office screens Boy Scout film, opens debate on discrimination
Indiana Daily Student
After the screening, there was a brief discussion on the matter of the Boy Scouts of America's discrimination against the GLBT community. ...

and more »

Dallas group holds post-Rainbow Lounge raid "teach-in"
EDGE Boston
He emphasized he feels homophobic and heterosexist statements reinforce the notion "our GLBT youth that they are second class citizens. ...
US attorney mum on Rainbow Lounge caseFort Worth Star Telegram
Dallas-Fort Worth regional briefsDallas Morning News
TABC may release Rainbow Lounge report next week, but it won't ...Dallas Voice

all 8 news articles »

Canadian Healthcare Database Will Not Specify LGBT
EDGE Boston
If indeed the new database fails to track health data according to GLBT citizens' health issues, the result may entail less effective health care for the ...

We recently blogged about the policy change at AAA South where they now allow gay and lesbian couples to have family memberships.

Some anti-equality groups out there are not happy about this and are sending negative letters to AAA. Below is the letter that our opposition is sending out:

My family and I are deeply shocked and saddened that AAA would alter its Family Membership policy to include recognizing homosexual couples as being “married.”

Thirty states have overwhelmingly voted to define marriage as being between one man and one woman. Yet AAA is treating homosexual couples as if they are married.

My family and I ask you to immediately reverse this policy of recognizing homosexual couples as if they were “married.”

I will share your response with my family and friends.

We think it's important to let AAA know that we support them. Please take a moment to call, email, or write AAA and say "thank you."

Robert L. Darbelnet, CEO
1000 AAA Dr.
Heathrow, FL 32746

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) was recently introduced in the Senate by Senator Jeff Merkley, joined by Senators Edward Kennedy, Susan Collins, and Olympia Snowe and is a companion bill to H.R. 3017.

The introduction of this bill marks an important day for supporters of fairness and equality. Workplace protections for LGBT people are urgently needed and long overdue. We have waited far too long for a meaningful chance to see protections from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity enacted into federal law.

ENDA would ban employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. It creates express protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people similar to those available under existing federal discrimination laws for other protected classes of workers. The bill enjoys bipartisan support in Congress, and President Obama has made clear that passing an inclusive ENDA is one of the priorities of his civil rights agenda.

Currently, twelve states, the District of Columbia, and more than 100 localities have non-discrimination protections that protect all LGBT workers, covering nearly 40 percent of Americans. Additionally, more than 150 of Fortune 500 companies have enacted non-discrimination policies protecting LGBT workers. These advancements are testament to the heroic efforts of local advocates and visionary corporate leaders. These gains are also evidence of the overwhelming public support for employment protections for LGBT workers. Anti-discrimination measures have helped to protect workers in many places, but millions more remain unprotected.

LGBT people continue to remain invisible on the job and many suffer open harassment and discrimination simply because of who they are. Passing ENDA will go a long way to rectify this inequity and indignity.

According to numerous surveys, 60 percent of likely voters in the United States support an inclusive federal employment non-discrimination law. The time to pass an inclusive ENDA is now.

We urge Congress to take speedy action to put this bill on the President’s desk. LGBT employees work just as hard and contribute just as much as other workers. They should not have to fear losing their jobs because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

We need to join together and engage with Congress by contacting you Senators until the bill is passed and signed into law. Visit our website for steps you can take TODAY to pass an inclusive ENDA. And keep checking backâ€"we’ll keep you posted every step of the way.
Pavel Wolberg / EPA

Saturday night a masked gunman walked into a GLBT youth community center in Tel Aviv, Israel and opened fire, killing two people and injuring 11. The shooter fled the scene on foot.

The deceased were identified as a 26-year-old man who was a counselor at the center and a 17-year-old girl.

During a protest at the Center on Saturday night openly gay laywer Arnon Hirsch said "I fear that if the man who did this is not found, the consequences to the gay community might be far-reaching â€" they might live in fear. I have no intention of giving in to terror. I'm not going to hide anywhere."

The attack came amidst a culture and city that has a thriving, uninhibited gay culture. Gay soldiers serve openly in the military, and gay musicians and actors are among the country's most popular. Tel Aviv holds a festive annual gay parade, rainbow flags are often seen flying from apartment windows, and there is a city-funded community center for gays.

The attack drew condemnations from Tel Aviv's mayor, Cabinet ministers, the country's chief rabbis, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "We'll bring him to justice and exercise the full extent of the law against him," Netanyahu said of the killer, speaking at the Israeli Cabinet's weekly meeting.

Nitzan Horowitz, Israel's only openly gay lawmaker, called the attack a "hate crime." "This is the worst attack ever against the gay community in Israel," he said. "This act was a blind attack against innocent youths, and I expect the authorities to exercise all means in apprehending the shooter."

"It's true that we do not know the identity and the motive of the killer. But we know this was an act of hatred, because love does not kill," said Tzipi Livni . I hope this day will give power to kids to tell their parents, 'I'm gay, or lesbian,' and power to parents to accept their kids as they are and love them for who they are."
WHAT’S with Christian fundies and their addiction to lies? Is it that, deep down, they know that Christianity hasn’t a factual leg to stand on, and that the only way they feel they can defend and perpetuate the religion is by adding to the foundation of lies on which it rests? One of the ten Florida billboards Here’s [...]
Under fire and brimstone that is. As you know, Monday marked the first day same-sex couples in Wisconsin could sign up as part of the state’s new domestic partnership registry. The registry offers gay and lesbian couples some of the same benefits as heterosexual couples, most notably hospital visitations and the ability to make end-of-life decisions. A [...]
JayBezz is a new openly gay R&B artist who we are really excited to announce has released his album “Evolove” this week, on August 4, 2009 which features his hot, new, first single “Back in Your Life”. JayBezz is known for his high-energy live shows and is now collaborating with famous choreographer Allan Frias from Fox’s [...]

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