Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Canadian Gay News Headlines (T13T-4)

Time to wash those leather chaps — the Church Street Fetish Fair is coming to town. On Sun, Aug 16 Toronto's gay village will become a kinky playground as thousands of visitors are expected to hit the streets for the city's large...
So. It turns out that influence peddling isn't going to be the nail in mayor Larry O'Brien's political coffin. No, it's going to be influence piddling — the mayor has pissed away a lot of goodwill, failed to keep his promises (which were, to be frank, pie-in-th...
Changes to Canada's refugee system being mulled by Immigration Minister Jason Kenney could have a disproportionately adverse effect on queer refugee claimants. Kenney has been musing openly about instituting United Kingdom-style reforms to ...

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