Monday, August 3, 2009

LGBT News Headlines (T26T-5)

A Pakistan News

WAC reprimands Hawaii coach McMackin for use of gay slur
USA Today
McMackin's comments included a gay slur that he used while discussing the University of Notre Dame football team. In addition to the reprimand, McMackin has ...
Gay Slur Costs Hawaii Coach $ (subscription)
WAC issues reprimand to Hawaii's mcmackinESPN
Gay slur: Hawaii coach suspended 30 days without paySalt Lake Tribune
The Associated Press -KHON2 -Salt Lake Tribune
all 718 news articles »

Washington Post

Israeli police searching for gunman, motive after gay club shooting
CNN International
JERUSALEM (CNN) â€" Israeli police continued to search Monday for the masked gunman witnesses said killed two people at a gay youth center in Tel Aviv, ...
Gay shooting inflames debate in
Gay vs. Orthodox: A Deadly Turn in Israel's Culture WarTIME
Gay Israelis rally after shootingBBC News
Ha'aretz -Jerusalem Post -Ha'aretz
all 1,377 news articles »

Study: One in five LGBT Minnesotans lacks health insurance
Minnesota Independent
A new survey released Thursday shows that one in five LGBT Minnesotans lack health insurance. pfund, a foundation committed ...

and more »

Thoughts on passing of Atlanta LGBT rights leader Allen Thornell
Creative Loafing Atlanta
As reported earlier, local LGBT rights activist Allen Thornell passed away this morning of a stroke. In addition to Southern Voice's post, ...
Gay leader Allen Thornell passes

all 2 news articles »

TODAY'S TOP STORIES: Better understanding the 'T' in GLBT
The New Mexico Independent
Columnist Joline Gutierrez Krueger handles the complicated topic of what it means to be transgender with aplomb on the ...

GLBT Events 101: How many gays and lesbians live in Phoenix?
The number of GLBT residents could contribute to one's decision in a place to live, or to one interested in starting a business or organization catering to ...

Metro Weekly

Behind the scenes, Bob Summersgill's ''hobby'' is impacting GLBT lives
Metro Weekly
As a hobby, he's worked largely behind the scenes for years, crafting legislation, testifying and working with Council members to get GLBT Washingtonians to ...

and more »
In an update to Friday's posting about Hawaii football coach Greg McMackin's use of an anti-gay slur, USA Today reports that Coach McMackin has been suspended for 30 days without pay.

Additionally, he'll take a 7% cut to his annual $1.1 million salary (that's $77,000).

McMackin will remain with the team on a voluntary basis during the suspension.

To read Friday's posting and find out what McMackin said, click here.
According to Joe Davidson's article from Friday's Washington Post [subscription required] a House subcommittee voted Thursday to extend employee benefits to the same-sex partners of federal workers.

The debate that preceded the 5 to 3 vote along party lines quickly moved beyond the federal workplace and into such fundamental cultural issues as religion, morality and the state of marriage -- heady stuff for a House Oversight and Government Reform panel that more typically deals with the arcane details of government employment.

The action by the Subcommittee on the Federal Workforce, Postal Service and the District of Columbia would grant same-sex partners of federal workers the same benefits provided to spouses of workers, including health insurance and retirement and disability benefits. It would also subject partners to the same obligations of spouses, including abiding by anti-nepotism rules and financial disclosure requirements.

Subcommittee Chairman Stephen F. Lynch (D-Mass.) said the bill promotes "the basic concepts of equity and fairness," while giving the government an additional tool in federal employee retention and recruitment. He also said the bill would place "the federal government on par with the private sector, where health insurance, retirement, disability and other benefits are already widely available to domestic partners."

But all three Republicans on the subcommittee objected, with Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah saying: "I fundamentally do not believe that we should be creating benefits like this based on sexual orientation . . . or lifestyle choices. The exception I obviously make is for the traditional view of marriage, which is between one man and one woman. I think what is sought in this bill is a recognition from the federal government of a certain lifestyle and orientation choices, which I cannot support."

The legislation, he added, seeks "in many ways to redefine marriage, and I will not, I will not stand for that."

His notion that gay and lesbians choose their sexual "lifestyle" reflects a view that was largely discredited and rejected years ago.

"It is offensive and . . . anti-science," says Leonard Hirsch, the president of Federal Globe, an organization representing gay and lesbian federal workers.

Chaffetz also complained that the bill discriminates against unmarried heterosexual partners. Lynch replied that heterosexual couples have the option to marry, and he said the Office of Personnel Management recognizes common-law marriages between heterosexual couples.

The measure will now be considered by the full Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Greg McMackin, head football coach of the Hawaii Warriors football team, is attempting to apologize for some derogatory comments he made about Notre Dame's football team. Seems that yesterday he was speaking at a media day for the Western Athletic Conference and was talking about his team's game against Notre Dame last year in the Hawaii Bowl.

McMackin referred to a dance the Irish performed during a banquet before the game as a "little faggot dance."

Moreover, McMackin used the term “faggot” three times while explaining why Notre Dame was so fired up to play Hawaii in the game, which Hawaii lost 21-49.

As soon as he said it he seemed to realize the implications it would have, and he asked the reporters there not to relay his statements.

So far no one involved with the football program at Hawaii is saying much, but McMackin is meeting today with Hawaii athletic director Jim Donovan, so we will see what comes from that.

Below is the apology that McMackin issued yesterday. What do you think? Leave us a comment and let us know.

"I would sincerely like to apologize for the inappropriate verbiage of words that I used. I have nothing against the University of Notre Dame. I don't talk like that. I'm really ticked off at myself for saying that. I don't have any prejudices. It really makes me mad that I said that. I'm disappointed in myself.

"It ticks me off that I said that because Notre Dame played a great ball game. What I was trying to do was be funny, and I wasn't funny, and it's not funny. Even more, it isn't funny to me. I was trying to make a joke. It was a bad choice of words. I really, really feel that.

"I wanted to apologize. I'm going to apologize to my team. I'm going to apologize to the people of Hawai'i. ... All I can do is apologize, and I feel bad that I used those words. It was really stupid. I just feel really bad. I apologize."
From the Austin Business Journal: The Austin (Texas) City Council may take up a resolution this week that would ratchet up protections for gay, lesbian and transgendered employees of companies that contract with the city and give added consideration to businesses seeking loans or incentives from the city that offer domestic partner benefits. The resolution under consideration [...]
Not sleeping well? It’s a common complaint. Sixty-four million Americans report at least occasional bouts of insomnia. And the anxiety of waking up in the middle of the night can be maddening. Psychiatrist Thomas Wehr has one consoling message for those who wake up at 2 a.m.: This is likely the way our ancestors slept. “There are [...]
Lesbian and gay couples lined up outside of county clerk’s offices in Wisconsin hours before the opened earlier today for the opportunity to sign up for the state’s domestic partnership registry. On June 29th, Democratic Governor Jim Doyle signed the bill into law which made Wisconsin the first Midwestern state to enact protections for gay couples [...]

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