Monday, August 3, 2009

Canadian Gay News Headlines (T13T-4)

Three years after the initial proposal for its creation was rejected by city council, Vancouver’s newly approved queer advisory committee met for the first time Jul 13. Committee introductions, board responsibilities and the importance of community consultation were just a few i...
A sunny day provided the perfect backdrop for the Vancouver Pride Parade on Aug 2. Check out our pics below, and check back on soon for a video report. Also: Check out's Pride coverage across Cana...
In 1978, dozens of people lined a few blocks of the West End to watch an equal number of people in Vancouver's first Pride Parade. Among those spectators was West Vancouver's Bob Woodward, now 78. "It was very small and there were ...
He had blood on his hands and clothes and sweat dripping from his face. Still Manuel Rodriguez, a bystander, continued to pump on the chest of the older man slumped in the main floor hallway of the well-kept apartment building at 40 Alexand...
Imagine this. You are 17 and you’ve just met an amazing guy who is five years older than you. You’ve been dating for a few months and you have great sex. You flirt by sending text messages and erotic pics by email or instant messaging. You se...
With Toronto Pride 2009 over and done with, Pride Toronto has already begun planning next year’s festival, starting off with one significant change â€" moving it one week later. Pride Week 2010 will run Fri, Jun 25 to Sun, Jul 4, as opposed to the last week of June, as it has...
Rob Giacobbi moved his video store, Wilde's, to Bank Street because he noticed that thousands of his clientele lived in the area. David Rimmer moved his bookstore, After Stonewall, which was originally in the Glebe, across the street because Gia...
 For  five years The Ten Oaks project has successfully run a youth camp for 8 â€"17 years olds from the queer community. This year the project extended its branches to Project Acorn â€" a leadership camp for older youth who identify as LGBTQ, children from queer families and allie...
Culture comes again to Prescott as the small Ontario town hosts their seventh season of the St Lawrence Shakespeare Festival. On offer this year are the plays The Taming Of the Shrew and Measure for Measure, but it is the latter of the two ...
Toronto’s Triggerfish water polo team is coming home with a bronze medal from the World Outgames in Copenhagen. The team beat out a San Francisco in a hard-won game.  “It was a nail-biter of a game,” says Brendan Shul...
Two gay youth are dead and several more are wounded after a masked gunman burst into a youth meeting at a gay community organization in Tel Aviv, Israel on Aug 1.   It happened at 10:40 pm local time at The Aguda near Nahm...
A sunny day provided the perfect backdrop for the Vancouver Pride Parade on Aug 2. Check out our pics below, and check back on soon for a video report. Check out's Pride coverage across Canada &am...

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