Monday, August 3, 2009

Combined Gay News Headlines (T5T-1)

It took major political pressure and direction from the White House, but it's official: The 2010 U.S. Census will record and report raw data about Americans in same-sex relationships. It's a stark departure from the Bush administration, which collected the data but barred its release. CONTINUED » Permalink | 7 comments | Add to Tagged: Census, Marriage
[See post to watch Flash video] Remarkably, it's already been three years (yesterday) since the murder of Robert Wone, the Radio Free Asia attorney who was found slain at the D.C. townhouse where he was staying with friends. It's not exactly an anniversary that's worthy of celebration — unless, of course, you count the tireless efforts [...]
Just because Australia's Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his Australia Labor Party won't change positions and come out for same-sex marriage rights doesn't mean Aussie gays aren't tying the knot. At least unofficially. As part of the National Day of Action, organizers staged mass mock weddings Saturday, with an estimated 8,000 supporters showing up in [...]
INTEGRATION on Wednesday was pretty much amazing. Check it out.
It was a great night. It has been for a while now. Though my observations can be perceived as a promotional opportunity, whatever. It’s rare that I can truly be in depth and honest about how I feel after DJing a night at Integration. Let me chalk this up to me being personal and not having blogged in [...]
I can’t stand fish. They bother me to no end because everything about them is just plain creepy: they lurk around in the water, they’re slimy, they’ve got eyes on the sides of their heads, and they smell disgusting. The stench reminds me of Joan River’s stale, hasn’t-been-used-in-a-couple-decades…. nevermind. Ahem. Anyways, the point is my [...]

I'm feeling a little disconcerted today, as a page for Allen Ray Andrade on MySpace was brought to my attention. The webpage appears to be created by Mr. Andrade's brother; the webpage is disturbing to me on a couple of levels...

Allen Ray Andrade MySpace PageFrom the text of the Allen Andrade MySpace Page:

People THINK that they know my brother based on the ONE mistake that he made last year. Well, you don't. See, he's a BROTHER, SON, uncle, nephew, grandson, cousin, and friend. He's never denied his identity as a straight male. NEVER. My brother loves WOMEN...the kind GOD makes with vaginas, fallopian tubes, uteruses, periods. -- In my opinion, God gives WOMEN the opportunity to co-create with him. It's an opportunity that surgery or mindset can not achieve. It never will. -- Now, that's not to say that I believe all women should bear children. Some can't for whatever reason and SOME shouldn't, and I can think of one family in particular that falls in the latter. Anyway, I'm a firm believer in things happening for a reason. I've told Allen Ray many times that he's truly the lucky one, not only is he here, but he gets a second chance at life. He gets to confess, repent, and move on. We get to do that with him. Sometimes when God needs you to listen he puts us somewhere where we can. It is not fair to judge people by what you read. Only I know what happened, and have to live with it everyday of my life. It wasn't what the media portrayed it to be or the state. I am holding myself accountable. So judge not, please... By the grace of God, I hope that none of you reading this, ever have a loved one go through this ordeal. Keep your sons and daughters safe! Teach them morals ~ beginning with the truth.

Well, here's some truth for you. If you don't remember who Allen Ray Andrade is, his "one mistake" resulted in him being convicted by a jury of his peers for First Degree Murder, and a Bias Motivated Crime related to his killing of Angie Zapata. His "one mistake" also included guilty verdicts on vehicle theft and identity theft, so that means there were at least three to four "mistakes." Allen Ray Andrade MySpace Page BackgroundAnd hey, since the identity theft was ongoing for two weeks between the murder and his arrest, there were multiple "mistakes" related to how many times identity theft was involved in using a stolen ATM card as well.

Because Allen Ray Andrade actualctually made multiple "mistakes" in his life beyond this grouping of "mistakes," he received life plus an additional 60 years -- and it was 60 years instead of some smaller number of years because he was judged by the court to be a habitual offender.  

Another disturbing aspect of the Allen Andrade MySpace Page is how much Bible scripture is on it -- including Acts 2:21 -- and this from Luke 6:37...

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.

...As well as how much religious imagery is on the page.

I don't know Allen Ray Andrade, but I do know that a jury of his peers judged him guilty of four crimes, which included First Degree Murder and a Bias Motivated Crime (a hate crime). I was in the courtroom for the entire trial, and I saw a brutal murder scene that I'll never be able to get completely out of my mind, and heard Allen Ray Andrade say in recorded jailhouse telephone calls:

"It's not like I went up to a schoolteacher and shot her in the head or ... killed a law-abiding straight citizen."


"Did you see that thing in make-up?"


"I can't cry over spilled milk."

And, I can't count how many times I heard Allen Ray Andrade refer to Angie Zapata as "it."

I certainly understand that Mr. Andrade's family wants to support their brother; I certainly understand that familial love can be a powerful force for change in a person's life. And, never let it be said that I don't believe in contrition and repentance.

But that said, I also know that the brother who wrote the headpiece for this MySpace webpage is saying disparaging things about transgender human beings like me. Angie Zapata GravesiteThis, while at the same time, he shrouds what Allen Ray Andrade did to Angie Zapata in Christian scripture and imagery. I also know that the general attack on transgender women in this MySpace webpage headpiece doesn't speak to love, or indicate contrition or repentance. It instead sounds to me that his family is joining with Allen Ray Andrade in still blaming the victim -- Angie Zapata -- for the hate crime that Mr. Andrade committed. And, beyond just blaming Angie, Mr. Andrade and his family seem to me to be clearly blaming all transgender women as being worthy of hate crime murders for not being "the kind [of women] GOD makes with vaginas, fallopian tubes, uteruses, periods."

I found this webpage dedicated to Allen Ray Andrade a bit unsettling. To me, it seems that Christian blessing is being given iven to the killing of Angie Zapata, and giving justification for killing transgender human beings in the future -- because God will forgive, and only God is allowed to judge these murderers.

Well, I reject that reasoning. A jury of Allen Ray Andrade's peers had the responsibility -- and was allowed -- to judge him, and they found him guilty of a bias motivated murder. And, as a transgender woman who was there in the courtroom for the entire trial -- hearing and seeing the evidence presented -- I feel I have a right to judge him as a hate crime murderer.

One thing I definitely feel is that this webpage page of Allen Ray Andrade's should find no welcome -- no space -- on MySpace.

* Pam's House Blend tag: Angie Zapata

Take heart, Blenders, your Christmas shopping problems have been solved in one swoop.

Pope Benedict XVI has signed a record deal, for an album to be released this November. He will be singing lead vocals.

Raymond Arroyo, "news" anchor of the Catholic cable channel EWTN, has been touting this incessantly for the last few days. So never mind lumps of coal for your enemies. You know what to put in their Christmas stockings this year.

NOTE FROM PAM: It's not a joke...

"Geffen Records, whose roster of stars has included Guns n' Roses, Elton John, Donna Summer, and Snoop Dogg," said Mark Brown in the London Guardian, has just "signed a new artist—Pope Benedict XVI." The album, Alma Mater, will feature "his holiness" singing a Marian prayer and speaking Lauretan Litanies in various languages, accompanied by eight original pieces of modern classical music, and it's sche duled to be "released in time for the Christmas rush."

The Pope could easily be "a contender" for the No. 1 Christmas album, said Ben Hoyle in the London Times Online. "He is a debut artist with an established global following," and if his album "connects to even a small percentage of the world's billion Catholics it should blow the likes of Jay-Z, Robbie Williams, and Susan Boyle from Britain's Got Talent out of the water in the race for end of year sales."

And this, from Beliefnet:

If you can't do, teach. And if you can't sing, make a Christmas album. The latter adage has been proven again by the announcement that Pope Benedict XVI will join Regis Philbin, Colonel Sanders, and The Brady Bunch in releasing his own Yuletide recording. In announcing the dihe disc, an executive at Geffen Records, which will release the record Nov. 30th, said, "''The Pope has got almost a lullaby tone to the way he sings.'' Even when you're talking about an 84-year-old theologian, that's pretty faint praise.

Whoopsie! Oh, Papa Razi is NOT gonna like this one...

A Roman Catholic bank in Germany has apologised after admitting it bought stocks in defence, tobacco and birth control companies.

Der Spiegel newspaper discovered the bank had invested 580,000 euros (?495,310, $826,674) in British arms company BAE Systems.
It also invested 160,000 euros in American birth control pill maker Wyeth and 870,000 euros in tobacco companies.

The bank apologised for behaviour "not in keeping with ethical standards".

Pax Bank has previously advertised ethical investment funds, specifically claiming to avoid arms and tobacco companies along with organisations that do not adhere to Catholic beliefs.

Some days, it's like shooting fish in a barrel...

h/t Tavdy79

Hey all you PRIDEsters, the date for Salem's Capitol Pride has been updated from the 15th to the 22nd of August. Make sure you mark your calendars and we hope to see you there!

When: August 22nd from 12 p.m.-7 p.m. Where: Cascades Gateway Park in Salem

BRO Staff in Attendence: Juan

2009 BRO Annual Dinner Logo

Mark your calendar now and get ready for the event of the year:

Love Basic Rights Oregon's 27th Annual Dinner & Auction Saturday, October 10th, 2009 5:30pm - Door's Open Portland Ballroom, Oregon Convention Center (777 NE Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard in Portland)
This year's theme is Love, highlighting the love andyear's theme is Love, highlighting the love and commitment that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Oregonians share for each other and the broader community. Individuals and businesses are invited to sponsor Oregon's premier LGBT event.For more information, please contact Juan Martinez at 503/222.6151, x106 or'll see you on the 10th!WordPress Blog Spacer

Visit GayTalkRadio, a 24/7 LGBTQIA Independent Internet Radio Station

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