Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Combined Gay News Headlines (T5T-1)

Stu Rasmussen can thank Bill O'Reilly. Coinciding with the Fox News anchor complaining about the transgender Silverton, Oreg., mayor wearing "an open-back bathing suit, mini skirt and high heels" to a speaking engagement with a children's non-profit, the City Council opted to censure him — which is really nothing more than a slap on the [...]
It's too bad that in a country where transgender folks are given a "third gender" status, posing on the cover of a gay magazine is still worthy of reprimand: Appearing in his underwear for the cover of Thai magazine Stage, boxer Worapoj Petchkoom now faces a year-long ban. CONTINUED » Permalink | Post a comment | Add [...]
Fewer gay persons in Britain are getting gay married. The best explanation? Like with all trends, once they fall out of fashion, the gays run away! CONTINUED » Permalink | 1 comment | Add to del.icio.us Tagged: Britain, Civil Unions, Marriage, trends
REVIEW: “Celebration” by Madonna. Written by Madonna and Paul Oakenfold. Reviewers around the world are hurling the word “calculated” into the mix when reviewing “Celebration.” Some say that Madonna is desperate for a radio hit, and this is a scud missile of a single. I could not agree and disagree more. Yes, this single is an utter calculation. [...]
We’re all Kathy Griffin! Actually, there is only one Kathy Griffin, and she’s SO TINY! Tiny and hilarious. I have to say, I have never laughed so hard for two solid hours. Also, I have never appreciated my Tivo more. You see, I have a confession to make. I am a reality television addict. Usually, [...]


After putting up Dawn and Laura's story yesterday, I was contacted by a friend of theirs who wanted to tell her story as well:


   " My name is Audrey, my partners name is Bernie. We were so excited when the same sex marriage bill passed this summer, but we didn't dare to set a date knowing the closed minded opponents were setting out to get those signatures. 

    They speak of us as some evil individuals that will change the meaning of marriage if we are allowed to do so. Just what will it change?

     I read daily about all these politicians carrying on with pre-marital affairs, but this doesn't seem to change the meaning of marriage.

     I do not love Bernie any different then my Mom loves my Dad. I am dedicated and committed to Bernie and want to spend my life with her and only her.

     We get up every day, have coffee, read the paper, do the same thing our heterosexual neighbors do. So why do these opponents insist we are so different? We don't do anything any different, and we deserve to have the same legal rights!! 

     You peop le (the opposition) may slow us down, but you can not stop us!  We will prevail one day!  One day Bernie and I will be able to legally marry.

     We are proud of who and what we are. Nothing anyone says or does can take that away from us!"


Couples like Audrey and Bernie, Dawn and Laura, and thousands more are having to wait for their fellow Mainers to VOTE on whether or not to repeal our newly minted equal marriage law, before a single couple has been able to actually GET married here.

We have a law that passed easily through both chambers and signed by the Governor, yet it is sealed up and locked away.

While I sympathize, I cannot fully know what it feels like to be in this position. Even though I am I am an atheist and was married by a phone book JOP to a divorced man in a restaurant in Baltimore, my marriage is legal worldwide.  

No one has EVER demanded that MY legal status as married be revoked or forced into recognition as a domestic partnership or[civil union.

We did not have to "ask permission" from our fellow citizens before we wed in 1992, just file and wait 3 days per Maryland law. He filed; I picked up the license, and I didn't even have to show proof of who I was, nor did he.

No state in the nation has declined to recognize our marriage, deny us full marriage protections or rights, or demand that our children should not be considered ours under the laws.

I have never had to show proof of the marriage to any legal authority or on any application whatsoever. My word of being married is acknowledgement enough whenever we have bought a house together,  applied for insurance, or registered our children for school. 


Another video has submitted, this one regarding the motives of "Stand For Marriage Maine":




The credibility of the homo-obsessed, perpetually frustrated Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readin ess is shot. Not only is she wholly unqualified to speak about the military as any kind of authority (she does not have any military experience), she delivered jack*ssery testimony that drew laughter on Capitol Hill last year as she defended the discriminatory Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. Let's hope she shows up for the Senate hearings.

In the current issue of Human Events, the doyenne of discrimination bleats:

Murphy has replaced former Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-Calif.) as the new lead sponsor of H.R. 1283, a bill that would repeal the 1993 law stating that homosexuals are not eligible to serve in the military.  That law, Section 654, Title 10, frequently is mislabeled "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."  Murphy's bill would replace the 1993 statute with a new law forbidding discrimination in the military "based on homosexuality or bisexuality, whether the orientation tion is real or perceived."  

The open-ended language in "Murphy's New LGBT Law" would mandate accommodation of professed (not discrete) sexual minorities in all branches and communities of the military to include Army and Marine infantry and Special Operations Forces, Navy SEALs, and submarines.  This would be tantamount to ordering military women to live with men in close quarters offering little or no privacy on a constant basis.  

Here we go, you know what's coming -- discussions of sexual tension, naughty bits being shaken around to entice horny service members who think with their genitals and not their brains -- and yes, they handle guns and WMDs! ZOMG! If you didn't catch Elaine's sitcom-worthy testimony in defense of DADT, here's Patrick Murphy and Elaine in action on video.
Men and women are human, and therefore imperfect.  Homosexuals are no more perfect than anyone else. Sound military personnel policies encourage discipline rather than indiscipline, but Murphy's New LGBT Law would have the opposite effect.  

If Congress passes Murphy's New LGBT Law, the armed forces would have to disregard the normal human desire for modesty and privacy in sexual matters. Unprecedented male/male and female/female sexual tensions will ensue, but the military will try to override them with mandatory sensitivity training courses. Corollary "zero tolerance" policies would deny promotions and end the careers of thousands of military personnel who disagree for any reason.  

Her interpretation of her appearance:
I tried to present comprehensive testimony on the history and purpose of the 1993 law and the consequences of repeal.  But Murphy and other committee members demonstrated little concern about predictable problems.  Instead, they diverted attention from serious issues by trying to bully me with derogatory comments or questions.  Their dismissive behavior proved my point about intolerance in the name of "tolerance."  
Yes, serious issues like this
Donnelly treated the panel to an extraordinary exhibition of rage. She warned of "transgenders in the military." She warned that lesbians would take pictures of people in the shower. She spoke ominously of gays spreading "HIV positivity" through the ranks.

"We're talking about real consequences for real people," Donnelly proclaimed. Her written statement added warnings about "inappropriate passive/aggressive actions common in the homosexual community," the prospects of "forcible sodomy" and "exotic forms of sexual expression," and the case of "a group of black lesbians who decided to gang-assault" a fellow soldier.

..."Like a woman who is stared at, her breasts are stared at," Donnelly explained. She further explained the "absolutely devastating" effect of homosexuals "introducing erotic factors" and made a comparison to Sen. Larry Craig's adventure at the Minneapolis airporirport. She said admitting gays to the military would be "forced cohabitation" and a policy of "relax and enjoy it."

Bam Bam is worried about his tax dollars going to gender reassignment surgery in his latest hysteria-laden e-blast. He calls it "subsidizing the elective practice of genital ‘sex-change’ mutilation."

The right wing has been knee-deep in shilling misinformation and twisting facts to frighten people. It's no surprise he wants to fixate on something he believes is fertile ground for generating heat on Obama's health reform. Trans-bashing is easy; I'm sure we'll see more about this, since even he knows trying to ban reproductive freedom at this point is a losing proposition for his crowd.

Gee, a lot of people call circumcision genital mutilation, since it is not medically necessary or medically appropriate, but is commonly covered by health plans. Is Barber against that as well, or is that just a matter of religious freedom subsidized by the taxpayer. Just asking.

DATE: August 4, 2009


ObamaCare Likely to Mandate Free “Sex-Change” Surgeries  

Washington, DC – When asked by Senator Orin Hatch (R-UT) whether President Obama’s proposed socialized healthcare plan will mandate taxpayer funded abortion, Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) admitted that it will require “any service deemed medically necessary or medically appropriate.” It now appears that the plan’s “medically appropriate” umbrella is far more expansive than most Americans could have imagined.

In addition to abortion on demand, the weight of the evidence indicates that cosmetic “gender reassignment” surgeries for both U.S. citizens and illegal immigrants who suffer from APA recognized “Gender Identity Disorder” (GID) may also be provided – free of charge – courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. The current price tag for such a procedure can exceed $50,000.   

Page 972 of the House version of the bill (H.R. 3200) provides for “standards, as appropriate, for the collection of accurate data on health and health care” based on “sex, sexual orientation [and] gender identity.” The Senate draft indicates that the government will “detect and monitor trends in health disparities,” requiring the Department of Health Health and Human Services to “develop standards for the measurement of gender.” (i.e., officially recognize subjectively self-determined “transgender” or “transsexual” gender identities). It further mandates ‘‘participation in the institutions’ programs of individuals and groups from…different genders and sexual orientations.” 

Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs with both Liberty Counsel and Liberty Alliance Action commented: “There’s a gulf of difference between what Obama and liberals in Congress, and the American people deem ‘medically appropriate;’ especially when it’s ‘we the people’ footing the bill. To force Americans, against their conscience, to fund abortion on demand and to facilitate gender confusion by subsidizing the elective practice of genital ‘sex-change’ mutilation is unconscionable.  

“After hearing Sen. Mikulski’s ‘any service deemed…medically appropriate’ admission, I was prompted to dig a little deeper. I contacted the offices of Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. Charlie Rangel, Rep. Barney Frank and the House Subcommittee on Health. I asked, very simply, for ‘an assurance that the proposed healthcare plan will not allow taxpayer funded gender reassignment surgeries or hormone therapies.’ When faced with the bill’s relevant language, every staffer I spoke with either declined to answer or would neither confirm nor deny that such procedures would be covered.  

“It’s time for the mainstream media to do its job and demand straight answers on this government healthcare scheme. Instead of acting as ObamaCare cheerleaders, journalists need to ask the same questions I did and refuse to take ‘no answer’ for an answer. I also call on the American people to ask their Congressional representatives the following question: ‘Will you pledge to oppose this legislation unless taxpayer funding for both abortion and sex change surgeries are expressly excluded?’

“It’s no wonder that, as Americans find out what’s hidden within this socialized ObamaCare monstrosity, furious opposition to it continues to skyrocket.”  

On Friday, Aug. 7, Miracle Theatre Group is pleased to host “Tragic Magic”, an evening with three different solo performance artists from New York City â€" Heather Ács, Glenn Marla and Silas Howard â€" sharing three separate, but complementary excerpts of new works. The performance begins at 8 p.m. at the Milagro Theatre (525 SE Stark St., Portland). Tickets are $12 from 503-236-7253 or www.pdxtix.net/milagro or the PDX Ticket Network box office at the Hollywood Theatre daily 1-9 p.m.
Hey all you PRIDEsters, the date for Salem's Capitol Pride has been updated from the 15th to the 22nd of August. Make sure you mark your calendars and we hope to see you there!

When: August 22nd from 12 p.m.-7 p.m. Where: Cascades Gateway Park in Salem

BRO Staff in Attendence: Juan

2009 BRO Annual Dinner Logo

Mark your calendar now and get ready for the event of the year:

Love Basic Rights Oregon's 27th Annual Dinner & Auction Saof the year:
Love Basic Rights Oregon's 27th Annual Dinner & Auction Saturday, October 10th, 2009 5:30pm - Door's Open Portland Ballroom, Oregon Convention Center (777 NE Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard in Portland)
This year's theme is Love, highlighting the love and commitment that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Oregonians share for each other and the broader community. Individuals and businesses are invited to sponsor Oregon's premier LGBT event.For more information, please contact Juan Martinez at 503/222.6151, x106 or juan@basicrights.org.We'll see you on the 10th!WordPress Blog Spacer
Tuesday’s Entertainment Edition includes stories on: art, visibility or lack of, Stanley Kwan, Football, Pride, Julia Child and Anne Heche. Art News: Warhol’s Michael Jackson silkscreen heads to auction – starting bid: $800,000 US. Film & TV: - CBS President Nina Tassler on network’s lack of gay visibility: “We want to do better.” Yet somehow they don’t… - Hong [...]
Tuesday’s News Edition: a blackmail scam, a sad Scottish councillor, a sad health president, a report on the ‘Gayby Boom’, Domestic Partnerships in Wisconsin, and hobbies that impact lives. Crime Files: – In the UK: Man extorted thousands in gay affair blackmail scam Sad Sacks: – Scottish councillor: ‘Gays are sad and atheists are damned [...]
News updates from the weekend on stories we’ve been following plus some new tragic news. Crime Files: Tragedy Strikes!: Gay Israelis rally after shooting — Police hunt killer of Israel gays. (who and why exactly are still unknown the last I checked.) An update on the murdered gay sailor case: Suspect in gay sailor’s death commits suicide in [...]

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