Monday, January 11, 2010

GLBT News Headlines (T4T-6)

WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The New Jersey Senate Judiciary Committee has voted to advance the state's genderless marriage bill to the full Senate for consideration. Speaking before the Committee, Julian Bond, chair of the NAACP, claimed it is unconstitutional to deny homosexuals marriage because "like our race, sexuality isn'xuality isn't a preference. It's immutable and unchangeable."
HONOLULU, Dec. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Grooby Productions and PureiPorn announced the launch of, featuring one-click purchasing of Grooby video clips, easy streaming and synching with iPhone and iPod touch.
With a new year comes new challenges and in the fight for LGBT equality, there’s been a clear intensification of right wing efforts against us. Emboldened by their win in Maine, anti-LGBT groups aren’t just trying to prevent new victories â€" they’re trying to take away rights we’ve already secured. From the hate crimes bill to [...]
After a debate that underscored that civil unions are not the equivalent of marriage, today the New Jersey State Senate failed to pass legislation recognizing marriage equality for same-sex couples, voting 20-14 against the bill.  The bill had passed out of the Judiciary Committee by a 7 to 6 vote this past December. After today’s vote, Garden State Equality [...]
On Tuesday, the Salt Lake County government passed two non-discrimination ordinances that would cover lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the workplace and in housing. This achievement comes on the heels of similar non-discrimination ordinances passed by Salt Lake City in late 2009. Due to the way the county government is structured, these ordinances only [...]
Rep. Christine Johnson will serve an additional role when the Utah Legislature convenes this month. The lesbian lawmaker announced she's a surrogate mother, carrying a baby for two gay men.
SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 10 (UPI) -- A 41-year-old lesbian Utah legislator is pregnant with a baby she says she is carrying for two gay men, the intended parents.
A lesbian lawmaker announced she's a surrogate mother, carrying a baby for two gay men.

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