Wednesday, January 13, 2010

GLBT News Headlines (T4T-6)

There is a critical Senate race in Massachusetts that demands the immediate attention of the LGBT community.  Seeking the Senate seat of our community’s hero â€" Ted Kennedy âennedy â€" are Martha Coakley and Scott Brown and the choice between them could not be more clear.  The Republican nominee Scott Brown wants to represent the state [...]
This update on our continuing organizing around the Employment Non-Discrimination Act comes from David Hurley, currently in New Jersey: Saturday marked my first ENDA event of the new year.  I left New York City, hit the road and headed to the first of three key congressional districts which I will be visiting over the next two weeks. [...]
Yesterday’s proceedings continued the expert analysis on the history of marriage by Harvard University professor Nancy Cott.  After Professor Cott was cross-examined by the pro-Prop 8 side, we heard from another historian, Yale University’s George Chauncey, an expert in LGBT history who has written extensively about the history of discrimination against our community.  Again, a [...]

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