Friday, January 15, 2010

Combined Gay News Headlines (T5T-1)

As we learn the U.S. Senate's Armed Services Committee is gearing up for next month's hearings on 1993's Don't Ask Don't Tell law — where Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Chairman of Joint of Chiefs of Staff Adm. Michael Mullen will testify at Sen. Carl Levin's request — comes word that the just-leaked memo out [...]
As Olson/Boies battles Cooper/Thompson in the federal Prop 8 trial, feelings will be hurt, sides will be taken, and battles will be won. But at least two attendees of Perry v. Schwarzenegger are enjoying the proceedings in their own special way: by getting it on in the courthouse bathroom. CONTINUED » Permalink | Post a comment | [...]
We've learned one thing about White Collar's Matt Bomer: Many of you have an opinion about him! The actor is openly gay, but not "openly" as in "tell all the fans of his USA Network show," but "openly" as in "Hollywood industry knows and that's as far as we want this story going." Which explains [...]
So you may of heard of Maggie Gallagher – that big ol’ closeted bull-dyke that heads up the National Organization for Marriage, otherwise known as NOM. Or perhaps you voted for her as the “Most Detestable Anti-gay Douchebag of 2009“? Or maybe you’ve seen Stephen Colbert’s spoof on NOM? Well it seems any hope of her [...]
I happened by this and thought I’d post it, though it’s a little dated. It’s a good reminder of what was started here in our community to help change minds and views, sometimes our own. From Out on the small town with Fresno’s Robin McGehee June 20, 2009 Gays & lesbians are making their presence known outside the [...]



Tickets are $10 all pre-event ticket buyers will be entered to win a Marriott/The Original New Year’s Eve package!

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Funny Bone

Just Out

The Original

Basic Rights Oregon office


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