Monday, January 11, 2010

As The World Burns

I was having a conversation with a few friends recently. There seemed to be a commonality among the sentiment. At one point I asked Joe (not his real name) why he didn’t listen to radio show xyz anymore. Joe told me “I got tired of listening to the queens bitching all the time”. At another point I was talking with Joan (not her real name) who was disappointed her songs weren’t more popular. She poured her heart into her songs, trying to send important messages in them.

The commonality in these two discussions involves complacency and inaction. Like the ostrich it seems many simply wish to bury their collective heads in the sand. Of course they know there are problems in our world. Evidently they expect someone else to solve the problems for them.

In the meantime they don’t want to hear about the problems or solutions. However, they won’t have any problem taking advantage of improvements that come their way due to the actions of others. They also won’t feel any guilt for their lack of participation in bringing about the improvements.

Quite frankly this type of attitude is self-destructive and it’s the reason so many things have gone astray in our world. If a large part of the populace is complacent, they are providing license for extreme abuse and neglect.

As the old saying goes ‘the squeaky wheel gets the grease’.

If someone hit you in the face would you do nothing? Chances are you would take some action, even if it were simply notifying the authorities.

As our net incomes decrease, our homes taken away, our jobs disappear, our leaders lie to us and our rights are trampled upon so many simply do nothing. Your silence is the same as saying it’s okay. It’s okay to tax the hell out of us, take away our homes, our jobs and rights. And, of course, by all means, it’s okay for our leaders to lie to us!

As the world burns so many simply sit and watch instead of joining the fire brigade. a 24/7 LGBTQIA Independent Internet Radio Station. Visit, Listen, Support and become involved.

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