Saturday, August 8, 2009

LGBT News Headlines (T26T-5)

Gay marriage lawyers say no to help from SF
The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO â€" The prominent lawyers leading the fight to legalize gay marriage in California on Friday formally told San Francisco officials and three ...
Old Politics, New Bedfellows: The Olson/Boies Challenge to Prop. 8Religion Dispatches
Gay marriage lawyers say no to help from SFThe Associated Press

all 194 news articles »

On Top Magazine

Texas alcohol board reports violations in gay bar raid
Los Angeles Times
Gay rights leaders said that the raid evoked memories of past conflicts with police. It was conducted June 28, on the 40th anniversary of the police raid on ...
Gay-rights group still pushing city for outside inquiry into ...Fort Worth Star Telegram
TABC agents faulted in raid on Fort Worth gay barDallas Morning News
TABC Violated Policies In Fort Worth Gay Bar RaidOn Top Magazine -United Press International -Fort Worth Star Telegram
all 216 news articles »

TopNews United States

Therapists, pastors agree: Gay identity no block to spiritual growth
USA Today
This paper nicely addresses these assumptions and acknowledges that people who are deeply committed to a non-gay-affirming religious position may stay ...
Psychologists Reject Gay 'Therapy'New York Times
Group's challenge of gay to straight therapy praised by Miami ...Middletown Journal
Abandon gay 'change therapy,' MDs toldGlobe and Mail
BP News -BlueOregon -USA Today
all 545 news articles »

First virtual LGBT high school launches
The GLBTQ Online High School in Maplewood, Minn., reportedly is the first to offer an environment geared towards gay students that's based on the Web. ...
Virtual School Hopes to Offer Welcoming Community for GaysU.S. News & World Report
Online LGBT school to launch in
Online GLBT School To Launch In
EDGE Boston -Queerty
all 26 news articles »

LGBT Equality - It's About Love
Huffington Post
Equality California was founded in 1998 and ever since has been at the forefront of the struggle for LGBT Equality in the state of California and in the ...

Religious Conservatives Denounce International GLBT Group's Efforts
EDGE Boston
Religious conservatives have targeted a new document from a respected international GLBT rights organization intended to empower equality ...

and more »

Texas Town to Require Proof of GLBT-Friendly Policies from Contractors
EDGE Boston
Austin, Texas now requires contractors working for the city to provide proof that their companies include gays and lesbians in their ...

As you know, no voice is more powerful, or more persuasive, than that of a PFLAG member. As the parents, families, friends and allies of America's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) citizens, we know first-hand the impact that discriminatory laws have on our loved ones. Our stories of the pain prejudice inflicts upon our families are enormously important in moving fair legislation forward, and in opposing anti-LGBT bills and resolutions in Congress.

For the past seven years, you all have continued to meet with countless lawmakers and their staff through our Bringing the Message Home campaign. Similar to past years, we have revised our 2009 guide to share with you all the most recent federal legislation introduced in the 111th Congress. The guide aims to empower and encourage you to begin or continue meeting with your representative and senators about important issues impacting our LGBT loved ones. It features issue briefs, talking points, information to help you set up a lobby visit, and techniques for gaining the support of your congress members.

It is imperative that as a PFLAG family we let lawmakers and the President know where we stand on important legislation and administrative priorities.

Remember, it is up to each member of the PFLAG family to Bring the Message Home that discrimination, prejudice and second-class citizenship must end. To that end please take action today by downloading your copy of Bringing the Message Home and by scheduling a lobby visit! After the visit, please be sure to fill out the lobby report form found on page 8 of the new guide - the information you provide in these reports helps advance our lobbying efforts both in your hometown as well as in Washington.

Download your copy by clicking here or going to
On the heels of yesterday's post about the wonderful work that the Jacksonville chapter is doing in the community comes news that our chapter in Salisbury, NC has also awarded numerous community-based scholarships.

According to this recent article in the Salisbury Post:

Salisbury/Rowan Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) has awarded three $1,000 scholarships for the 2009-2010 academic year.

The Anne Stanback-Charlotte Kinlock Scholarship, named in honor of Salisbury native Anne Stanback and her wife; the Founder's Equality Scholarship, named in honor of chapter founder Michael Clawson; and the Linda Ketner Community Service Scholarship, named for Salisbury native Ketner, are awarded to seniors who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender or who identify as a straight ally.

The local chapter of PFLAG was founded in 2006 and established the scholarship foundation and awarded its first two scholarships in 2008. The organization was the first in North Carolina to award scholarships exclusively to GLBT students and/or their straight allies.

"Uniquely, Salisbury/Rowan PFLAG's scholarships may be awarded to any high school senior continuing his or her education, including students of trade schools, community colleges or traditional four-year colleges and universities," said Todd Adrian, chapter president.

"We are very pleased to award these scholarships to these courageous and deserving students," said Margaret Basinger, chairperson of the scholarship advisory committee. "Provided the Autumn Soiree, our major scholarship fundraiser, is as successful as past years, our hope is to add a fourth scholarship for academic year 2010-2011," Basinger said.

Congratulations to PFLAG Salisbury!

If you are a member of a chapter and have some good news to share, please email Erin Williams at
From GCN: Dustin Lance Black, the Oscar winnning screenwriter of ‘Milk’, is to sue who published intimate photos of the writer earlier this year Black, who also speaks on gay rights issues and safe sex practices across America, is planning to sue Starzlife Inc. who published  photos of Black engagaing in sex acts in 2006 with [...]
Volkswagen made the top of the list for’s most recent compilation of the top 10 most-researched vehicles. The list of autos represents the diversity of interests among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) automotive consumers. encourages car shoppers to patronize gay-friendly companies during their vehicle purchase process — users of the site are able [...]
The secretary of state’s office Friday morning released updated results of the signature check of Referendum 71, the attempt to overturn Washington’s new “everything but marriage” same-sex domestic partner law. The numbers for Thursday’s count showed 6,483 checked and 935 rejected, for a cumulative daily error rate of 14.42 percent, said secretary of state spokesman Dave [...]

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