Thursday, August 6, 2009

LGBT News Headlines (T26T-5)

Dallas Voice

Texas alcohol board reports violations in gay bar raid
Los Angeles Times
Gay rights leaders said the raid evoked memories of past conflicts with police. The raid was conducted June 28, on the 40th anniversary of the police raid ...
TABC agents faulted in raid on Fort Worth gay barDallas Morning News
Fort Worth Gay Bar Manager Talks About TABC ReportCBS 11
TABC agents in Rainbow Lounge raid face disciplinary action ...Fort Worth Star Telegram
KERA -The Associated Press -Dallas Morning News
all 180 news articles »


Therapists, pastors agree: Gay identity no block to spiritual growth
USA Today
This paper nicely addresses these assumptions and acknowledges that people who are deeply committed to a non-gay-affirming religious position may stay ...
Psychologists Reject Gay 'Therapy'New York Times
Gay-to-straight therapy a failure, bring on the gay
Psychologist group rejects so-called 'gay therapy'KSL-TV -USA Today
all 508 news articles »

Israelis rally after 2 murdered at gay center
San Jose Mercury News
TEL AVIV, Israelâ€"Reeling from the worst attack ever aimed at homosexuals in Israel, members of the country's gay community and their ...
PM: My cabinet will help gay communityYnetnews
Netanyahu affirms tolerance during historic visit to Tel Aviv gay ...Ha'aretz
Anti-Gay Facebooker Apologizes After Page HackOn Top Magazine
San Jose Mercury News -Ynetnews -Ynetnews
all 49 news articles »

Coming out early: the fight to help LGBT youth
As more and more LGBT youth come out at younger ages, many organizations struggle to catch up and help this rising group. 7 The error rate of signatures for ...
Views: Singin' in the rainbowWindy City Times
New York City Gay Men's Chorus in Financial TroubleTowleroad
NYC Gay Men's Chorus faces money woesNewsday
all 15 news articles »

15-year-old anti-bullying activist defends LGBT youth
Bay Windows
Berman also pays close attention to bullying toward LGBT youth, and the use of LGBT slurs. In the reference section at the back of the book, ...
LGBT youth alliance celebrates 30 yearsBay Windows

all 2 news articles »

"Unmasked" GLBT Historical Society's 2009 Gala
San Francisco Chronicle
The GLBTHS is excited to invite you to Unmasked our celebrated first annual Halloween Gala. This year we're holding it on October 29th in the historic, ...

GLBT seeks police action against anti-gay Facebook group
The Israeli Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Association (GLBT Israel) has filed a complaint with the police against the group's founder. ...
Israel - PM Netanyahu Visits GLBT Center in Tel Aviv and Meets ...ISRIA
Israel's Prime Minister Expresses Support; Vigils Worldwide in ...EDGE Boston
A Response to the Murders at the Tel Aviv LGBT CenterAlternative Information Center (AIC)
Christian Post -Jerusalem Post -Ynetnews
all 49 news articles »

City Guide 101: Minnesota online school for GLBT students
Online schools have grown in popularity over the years as students juggle education with work, parenting, jobs and life. But now for the first time ever, ...
Online GLBT School To Launch In
Minn. Offers World's First Online Gay SchoolEDGE Boston
Online School for GLBTFOX 9 News
all 23 news articles »
Our PFLAG chapter in Jacksonville, FL participates in an annual billboard campaign to help educate people in the area about PFLAG's message of love and support for the GLBT community.

Twelve billboards are set up on a rotating basis in the area, and they generate a lot of positive support in the community. This year the billboards were on display around Jacksonville from July 24 - August 4.

The chapter also has one of the largest scholarship programs in the country for any PFLAG chapter. This coming Saturday the chapter will host its annual Scholarship Awards Dinner where they will be giving out $24,000 in college scholarships to people from the local GLBT community. Through the incredible generosity of donors, the chapter has given out $154,000 in college scholarships since 1996!

We applaud you, PFLAG Jacksonville, and thank you for your continued efforts to reach out to the community. We are so proud of your success!
We love it when we get to start the day off with good news!

According to today's New York Times, the American Psychological Association declared yesterday that mental health professionals should not tell gay clients they can become straight through therapy or other treatments. The Times goes on to say that:

In a resolution adopted by the association’s governing council, and in an accompanying report, the association issued its most comprehensive repudiation of so-called reparative therapy, a concept espoused by a small but persistent group of therapists, often allied with religious conservatives, who maintain that gay men and lesbians can change.

No solid evidence exists that such change is likely, says the resolution, adopted by a 125-to-4 vote. The association said some research suggested that efforts to produce change could be harmful, inducing depression and suicidal tendencies.

Instead of seeking such change, the association urged therapists to consider multiple options, which could include celibacy and switching churches, for helping clients live spiritually rewarding lives in instances where their sexual orientation and religious faith conflict.

The association has criticized reparative therapy in the past, but a six-member panel added weight to that position by examining 83 studies on sexual orientation change conducted since 1960. Its report was endorsed by the association’s governing council in Toronto, where the association’s annual meeting is being held this weekend.

The report breaks ground in its detailed and nuanced assessment of how therapists should deal with gay clients struggling to remain loyal to a religious faith that disapproves of homosexuality.

Judith Glassgold, a psychologist in Highland Park, N.J., who led the panel, said she hoped the document could help calm the polarized debate between religious conservatives who believe in the possibility of changing sexual orientation and the many mental health professionals who reject that option.

“Both sides have to educate themselves better," Ms. Glassgold said. “The religious psychotherapists have to open up their eyes to the potential positive aspects of being gay or lesbian. Secular therapists have to recognize that some people will choose their faith over their sexuality.”
We recently blogged about the policy change at AAA South where they now allow gay and lesbian couples to have family memberships.

Some anti-equality groups out there are not happy about this and are sending negative letters to AAA. Below is the letter that our opposition is sending out:

My family and I are deeply shocked and saddened that AAA would alter its Family Membership policy to include recognizing homosexual couples as being “married.”

Thirty states have overwhelmingly voted to define marriage as being between one man and one woman. Yet AAA is treating homosexual couples as if they are married.

My family and I ask you to immediately reverse this policy of recognizing homosexual couples as if they were “married.”

I will share your response with my family and friends.

We think it's important to let AAA know that we support them. Please take a moment to call, email, or write AAA and say "thank you."

Robert L. Darbelnet, CEO
1000 AAA Dr.
Heathrow, FL 32746

Not that this is startling, but nevertheless, it is important, especially when it comes to those nightmare institutions such as Exodus International who think that being gay is a choice that one can “pray away”. The American Psychological Association (APA) declared Wednesday that mental health professionals should not tell gay clients they can become straight through [...]
Back in the fall of 2008, the conservative Christian group the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) organized “Pulpit Freedom Sunday,” a sort-of civil disobedience event for which pastors were encouraged to use their pulpits to endorse John McCain and challenge IRS regulations prohibiting such political activity by tax-exempt institutions. Now, in a somewhat surprising move, the [...]
According to the school’s website: Imagine a school where you can be you. Where your friends share similar experiences and similar questions. Where you can get a high quality education while receiving comprehensive support from adults and peers. Where all staff members genuinely want to work with you. Because of who you are. Even if you’re not sure. That’s [...]

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