Wednesday, August 5, 2009

GLBT News Headlines (T4T-6)

SAFETY ISSUES: American Idol runner-up, Adam Lambert, is no longer able to meet with his fans after the American Idol concert tour due to threats from an alledged stalker. Will our Glambert be safe?
THE GOVERNATOR RETURNS?: Tom Arnold is telling the press a James Cameron film project will soon reunite him with former costar Arnold Schwarzenegger 'the day after [he] stops being governor of California.'
A NIGHT IN DUSTIN: Academy Award-winning Milk screenwriter Dustin Lance Black took some time before taking any action against the online company that leaked the compromising photos of him engaged in sex acts with his ex-boyfriend Jeff Delancey. But enough is enough, it's lawsuit time...
A National Conversation about Race, Sexuality and Gender The Equality Forward essays are a collection of stories about race, sexuality and gender from some of today’s most distinct voices in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender-rights movement. Read their essays. Share your own story. Join us for a national conversation on August 13.  And read more [...]
Fair Wisconsin’s Tim Ewing passes along this post celebrating the first day of domestic partnerships in Wisconsin: Wisconsin’s domestic partner registry is officially up and running! Yesterday, Fair Wisconsin staff and volunteers were on hand in Madison and Milwaukee to greet the same-sex couples whose relationships will finally be legally recognized. I arrived at the Dane County [...]
Ed. Note: This is the next in a series of posts from Alison Delpercio, HRC’s Workplace & Family Project Coordinator, who is spending the week in Provincetown, Massachusetts volunteering at Family Week. For those of you familiar with Provincetown, I’m coming at you from the Purple Feather, a café on Commercial St., where I’m enjoying an [...]
The report finds that, although much has been done to improve event safety at gay events, there is room for improvement. Social Policy
Episcopal Church leaders in Los Angeles nominated an openly gay priest and an openly lesbian priest as bishops Sunday, becoming one of the first dioceses in the national church to test a controversial new policy that lifted a de facto ban on gays in the...
About 25 people today spoke against the city government's plan to offer health insurance coverage to gay and unmarried partners of city employees. Most of the objections were to the city providing benefits to gay people.

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