Monday, August 3, 2009

GLBT News Headlines (T4T-6)

THE REAL SKINNY: There and rsquo;s been a ton of spotlight and speculation on the Bravo and rsquo;s Real Housewives of New York City favorite cast member Bethenny Frankel. The and lsquo;Skinny Girl and rsquo; sets the record straight and talks about expanding her cocktails to include the 'Skinny Gays'.
GOT GAME? Baller Shaquille O and rsquo;Neal calls footballer David Beckham too and ldquo;scared and rdquo; to compete against him on his ABC reality show Shaq VS.
MODEL CHOICE: Tyra Banks is set to appear in one episode of the CW teen soap. How fierce will she be? And will she run into Hilary Duff's character while mingling in the Upper East Side?
An update from HRC Senior Counsel Brian Moulton following up on Ché Ruddell-Tabisola’s census post from Friday: According to the Washington Post, after their meeting with HRC and Task Force staff last week, Census Bureau officials have released guidelines describing how they will  process Census 2010 responses by married same-sex couples, as well as an opinion [...]
Check out the newest edition of Out in Season: A Transgender Encounter with the Church Year.  This edition reflects a conversation between our diverse transgender theologians and advocates.  The writers for this edition discuss how ordinary timeâ€"the time of agricultural growth and transformationâ€"also reflects a time of deep spiritual growth.  As these writers show us, the [...]
Episcopal Church leaders in Los Angeles nominated an openly gay priest and an openly lesbian priest as bishops Sunday, becoming one of the first dioceses in the national church to test a controversial new policy that lifted a de facto ban on gays in the...
Episcopal Church leaders in Los Angeles today nominated an openly gay priest and an openly lesbian priest as bishops, becoming one of the first dioceses in the national church to test a controversial new policy that lifted a de facto ban on gays and lesbians in the ordained hierarchy.
Leaders of the US Episcopal Church in America have risked deepening tensions in the Anglican Communion after nominating homosexual and lesbian priests as bishops.

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