Thursday, August 6, 2009

Gay News Magazine Headlines (T24T-2)

Feature Story: Few metaphors speak as loudly as sports metaphors.
Reach for the goal!
Fight to the finish line! ...more
Feature Story: All the Gay Games buzz these days might have you counting down to Cologne -- Opening Ceremony July 31, 2010 -- just a tick away by international-sports-event standards. But GLBT folks in the D.C. area are buzzing with a different Gay Games focus: "I'm game 2014!"
D.C. is in the running, along with Cleveland and Boston, to serve as host to Gay Games IX, the "Freedom Games," five years from now. The Site Selection Committee is checking out the city and Metropolitan Washington Gaymes (MWG) is hoping to give them a welcome they won't forget.
"We're working with officials and partners for our oral presentation, which will be in Cologne. We have the mayor's support. We've done our homework," shares Vince Micone, president of MWG. His group is also trying to get the larger community to show its collective support for the effort by coming out to an evening rally and outdoor movie Monday, Aug. 10, at Stead Park, from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. ...more
Gauge: The White House has announced that President Obama will soon award the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to legendary gay-rights activist Harvey Milk and lesbian tennis star Billie Jean King.
“I knew Harvey Milk personally, way back,” says Frank Kameny, the Washingtonian who also pioneered the modern gay-rights movement. “There are many possible gay candidates for receiving the medal, living and dead. Certainly, Harvey Milk is one of them, and given his recent fame, his choice clearly makes the point unmistakably.”
Milk earned his place in history as the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in the United States. The posthumous award is due, says the White House, because Milk “encouraged LGBT citizens to live their lives openly and believed coming out was the only way they could change society and achieve social equality.” ...more

The American Psychological Association declared Wednesday that mental health professionals should not tell gay clients they can become straight through therapy or other treatments.

Instead, the APA urged therapists to consider multiple options — that could range from celibacy to switching churches — for helping cl ...

An educator who has launched an online high school catering to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students says he's received applications from across the country.

David Glick says his GLBTQ Online High School removes gay students from potentially hostile school environments and puts them in a "welcoming educational community."

But, others say an online school would further alienate the students. David Johnson teaches social psychology at the University of Minnesota. Johnson says it would be much better to have those students in a regular high school setting.

The International Association for K-12 O ...


By CHRIS JOHNSON, Washington Blade
An Oregon lawmaker made history Wednesday by introducing a version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in the U.S. Senate, marking the first time ever that a trans-inclusive bill has been considered in that chamber of Congress.

Sen. Jeff Merkley, a first-term Democratic senator, told the Blade he's sponsoring the legislation because “it stems from core conviction” about his belief in fairness and equality.

“For me, one of the huge issues that I've cared a lot about is equality under the law and fairness to all Americans, and this was just a core part of the way I view the world,” he said.


When Michael Burcham was awarded the Executive MBA Outstanding Professor Award at Vanderbilt University's May commencement ceremonies, he had a definite sense of deja vu, not to mention no small amount of satisfaction. "It was a happy surprise, but I...
When Michael Burcham was awarded the Executive MBA Outstanding Professor Award at Vanderbilt University's May commencement ceremonies, he had a definite sense of deja vu, not to mention no small amount of satisfaction. "It was a happy surprise, but I...
Portion of proceeds to benefit 3 non-profit groups. Kevin Thornton's one-man show is coming back to Nashville with a portion of proceeds from three performances benefiting PFLAG, TEP and Nashville Cares
Within weeks of Shelby County enacting similar legislation to protect county employees, the Metro Nashville Council has taken up a non-discrimination ordinance that includes sexual orientation.
A high error rate continues to plague a gay partner repeal effort in Washington State
APA rejects gay-to-straight therapy with a landmark report and resolution
Israeli gay rights debate turns into an online battle
A high error rate continues to plague a gay partner repeal effort in Washington State
APA rejects gay-to-straight therapy with a landmark report and resolution
Israeli gay rights debate turns into an online battle

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