Friday, August 7, 2009

Combined Gay News Headlines (T5T-1)

MORNING GOODS — Perhaps it's fitting that a man like 25-year-old San Francisco native Jeff, who looks so damn good in them, is developing his own underwear line. CONTINUED » CONTINUED » Permalink | Post a comment | Add to Tagged: Models, Morning Goods, Photos, risque
Whetherether you believe Gerard Butler's probably-fake interview where he acknowledges to be less-than-straight, you'll certainly have an opinion about him telling gay sex jokes. Supposedly, the cucumber punchline he recites above is how he scored his The Ugly Truth role. Us? We're not exactly offended by it (we love gay sex jokes), but confused: CONTINUED » Permalink [...]
In life, author E. Lynn Harris mystified us: That a gay black man in America develop such a loyal following among black women writing books about other black men hiding their sexuality was, unarguably, a phenomenon. In death, Harris (the "E." stands for "Everette") perplexes us: With 14 books under his belt (two yet to [...]
Imagine you’re sitting in your local GLBT center, relaxing on a couch enjoying the company of your fellow queers when a person dressed in black enters through the door, pauses for a moment then pulls out a gun and kills two people and injures fifteen others. Horrific, yes? Well this is exactly what happened in [...]
REVIEW: “Celebration” by Madonna. Written by Madonna and Paul Oakenfold. Reviewers around the world are hurling the word “calculated” into the mix when reviewing “Celebration.” Some say that Madonna is desperate for a radio hit, and this is a scud missile of a single. I could not agree and disagree more. Yes, this single is an utter calculation. [...]

crossposted on Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters

The news about people acting like they have no home training at these health care town hall meetings across the country will backfire against the Republican party. But regardless, I hope no one gets seriously hurt.

To me however, it does show the blatant hypocrisy of the right wing.

Remember in November of last year when Proposition 8 was passed? Remember how angry we lgbts got? Remember how we protested across the country?

While some of us went too far in our anger, the point is that it was a genuine outcry of rage. It was a genuine protest from a group of people who had been stepped on for too long.

Unlike this mess happening now in which the majority are white folks who are programmed by right wing groups with "talking points" or bombthrowers like Glenn Beck or Michelle Malkin (the proverbial child playing matches). And their guilliblity is made easy because they are too afraid to realize that their anger is not with the health care but with their inability to admit that they just don't like "THAT NEEEGROOOO" as president.

Think about it. When they shout and cry at meetings about "how they want their country back," they aren't referring to health care costs or single payer options.

And speaking of Malkin, remember how she wept and cried with pseudo disgust over us "gay bullies" who supposedly attacked people via protests and boycotts? Remember how Mike Huckabee told only one side to the Phyllis Burgess incident (i.e. the anti-gay protester who was pushed and her stryofoam cross taken from her after she elbowed her way through crowd of anti-Proposition 8 protestors so that she could get on camera). Remember how the religious right portrayed the lgbt community on the whole as thugs who were allegedly threatening people, vandalizing churches, andes, and shouting people down?

Well either I am in the Twilight Zone or there has been a shift. Malkin now approves of shouting people down and religious right groups are encouraging folks to show up at these town hall forums.

While Malkin specifically was quick to shine a very bright light on the excesses of the Proposition 8 protests, she is trying to downplay just how nasty these "tea bag" protestors are acting at these health care forums.

Apparently protesting in anger is only wrong when gay folks do it. When lemmings do it at health care forums, it's "democracy in action."

Yet another way us lgbts are looked at as second class citizens.
The Advocate points to a video by Current TV's Bryan Safi that takes a look at gay advertising in the MSM.

The curious question is where are these ads running? As in beyond gay channels.  How many of these have you seen? I see the Progressive insurance ads all the time on a lot of channels. I've never seen the Orbitz ad.

I just wanted to report that activist David Mixner is doing a bit better since I first blogged about his entry into the hospital on Tuesday, and has appreciated all of the kind comments of support and get well soon emails that he recehe received from readers. (The Advocate):
Civil rights activist David Mixner has been moved out of the intensive care unit at New York Presbyterian Hospital at Cornell, where he was admitted on Friday night, friend and gay rights activist Corey Johnson told The Advocate on Wednesday.

... "He told me to be completely honest with you," Johnson said. "He wants people to know he really appreciates the good wishes -- they're actually helping him quite a bit."

...Johnson said he isn't sure when Mixner will be released from the hospital but that he is doing better. He said that while Mixner still isn't able to read much, friends visited him in the hospital on Tuesday night to read e-mails to him and show him some of the blogs he visits regularly.

"He's overjoyed to see all the support he's been receiving," Johnson said. "Blogs like Towleroad, Pam Spaulding, Joe over at Joe My God -- it really means so much to him."

Healing words help so much. I wrote him the other day to let him know that he was in my thoughts, and I recalled how much Blender messages meant to me when I was laid up after an operation in December 2007 and true to form, had some complications that made recovery particularly long. Of course I told David to rest up, not to do what I did (which was to blog from my sick bed at the earliest opportunity, including posting a photo from the operation itself  -- yes, I know, "what is wrong with her?") OK, I didn't tell David that part, but I guess since his friends are showing him his regular reads, now he knows I'm insane. Pay no attention to the blogmistress behind the curtain!

Get well soon!

The Portland Art Museum in collaboration with Bottlenotes will be hosting a wine tasting extravaganza Thursday, August 13th in which a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Basic Rights Oregon. With over 80 of the finest wines from around the world, come ready to experience a night full of flavor and fun!
New York Comedians Aunt Joanna and Eddie Sarfaty will be performing a benefit show for Basic Rights Oregon on August 21st & 22nd at CC Slaughter's. The show Starts @ 8 P.M., so don't miss out on a night of hilarity with two of the hottest comedians around!

Visit GayTalkRadio, a 24/7 LGBTQIA Independent Internet Radio Station

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