Thursday, August 6, 2009

Combined Gay News Headlines (T5T-1)

Whether you believe Gerard Butler's probably-fake interview where he acknowledges to be less-than-straight, you'll certainly have an opinion about him telling gay sex jokes. Supposedly, the cucumber punchline he recites above is how he scored his The Ugly Truth role. Us? We're not exactly offended by it (we love gay sex jokes), but confused: CONTINUED » Permalink [...]
In life, author E. Lynn Harris mystified us: That a gay black man in America develop such a loyal following among black women writing books about other black men hiding their sexuality was, unarguably, a phenomenon. In death, Harris (the "E." stands for "Everette") perplexes us: With 14 books under his belt (two yet to [...]
Though "no bigger than a garage," the pop-up chapel has been open for two weeks and will be hosting wedding ceremonies for a couple months on Norfolk Street. Twenty-three-year-old Rev. Kevin Fey became ordained on the web, and doesn't care if you're a gay. New York State, however, still does. Permalink | Post a comment | [...]
Imagine you’re sitting in your local GLBT center, relaxing on a couch enjoying the company of your fellow queers when a person dressed in black enters through the door, pauses for a moment then pulls out a gun and kills two people and injures fifteen others. Horrific, yes? Well this is exactly what happened in [...]
REVIEW: “Celebration” by Madonna. Written by Madonna and Paul Oakenfold. Reviewers around the world are hurling the word “calculated” into the mix when reviewing “Celebration.” Some say that Madonna is desperate for a radio hit, and this is a scud missile of a single. I could not agree and disagree more. Yes, this single is an utter calculation. [...]

I've received a couple of notes regarding the Angie Zapata MySpace page, and I believe it's going to be relieving news to Angie Zapata's family. From the previously active link to that webpage:

"This user has either cancelled their membership, or their account has been deleted."

I guess there really was no space on MySpace for a hate crime murderer Allen Ray Andrade's webpage.

And for Angie, I can't help but think it's a wonderful birthday present. From an August 5th tweet by GLAAD's Adam Bass:

Angie Zapata's Birthday

Rest in peace, Angie. We're thinking of you today.

* Angie Zapata's Murderer Has A MySpace Page
* Pam's House Blend tag: Angie Zapata

cross-posted from 

Yesterday, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, S 1584, was introduced into the U.S. Senate by Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley, along with three other co- sponsors, two of them Republicans.


It has been widely noted in press releases that it's the first time ENDA has been introduced in the Senate, though it has been in the House in many forms on and off since 1974. This is significant not only for its historic nature, but it also signals that the real battles on this legislation are to be found in the Senate. After all, as I pointed out last month, the U.S. Senate is the only spot on earth where a majority of 100 is not 50, but 60.

After adding in all the co-sponsors of S 1584, there are 44 Senators with confirmed yes votes, as you can see on the Facebook Inclusive ENDA ENDA Senate spreadsheet. Another 16 votes must be found before S 1584 can be passed.

16 votes doesn't sound like a lot, but it's a big chunk of the Senate. Some Senators will require a lot of persuading, like someplace very hot freezing over or certain oinking mammals sprouting wings and flying.

If your Senators are unconfirmed, you should be on the phone right now, asking them to co-sponsor S 1584. Click here for a list of the unconfirmed Senators with contact info.

Read More....
UPDATE: Per Frank Schubert of Schubert Flint, the Maine campaign going to run "just like California's was".

We all know exactly what THAT means!!


This press release from Maine Freedom To Marry just hit the inbox today, emphasis mine:

For Immediate Release: Aug 6 2009
Contact: Mark Sullivan, Communications Director, (207)899-1330

NO on 1/Protect Maine Equality Signs Code of Fair Campaign Practices, Calls on Opposition to Endorse Standard of Ethics

"We invite our opponents to join us and deliver the kind of campaign that Maine voters want and deserve"

Portland, Maine (Thursday, August 6, 2009)---Today, the NO on 1/Protect Maine Equality campaign signed a code of campaign ethics and practices based on the 2008 Maine Code of Fair Campaign Practices (21-A M.R.S.A. ? 1101(2)) and asked oppo nents to sign pledge and join NO on 1 in conducting a civil campaign Maine voters have come to expect.

The pledge (see attached) was adapted to suit ballot initiatives and was FAXed to Frank Schubert of the California-based Shubert Flint Public Affairs who opponents have identified as managing their campaign to strip away marriage equality.  The 2008 Maine Code of Campaign Practices is routinely signed by candidates running for public office in the state. The letter and pledge was also sent to Marc Mutty, the public affairs director for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Maine.

"Maine has a longstanding tradition of campaigns that do not engage in mudslinging, lies, distortions and the politics of division," said Jesse Connolly, Campaign Manager for NO on 1/Protect Maine Equalityality.  "Maine voters expect us to take the high road, avoid poisonous attacks, and make our case based on fact and principle.  Today, NO on 1 pledged to abide by that high standard, and we invite our opponents to join us and deliver the kind of campaign that Maine voters want and deserve."

In a June 18th article in the Portland Press Herald, Mr. Mutty, of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Maine, stated that marriage equality opponents have hired Schubert Flint "to run the campaign."  Schubert Flint is the same firm that ran the $39 million Prop 8 campaign which overturned marriage equality in California in November 2008.

Connolly's letter to Schubert reads:

"As we embark on the campaign to preserve marriage equality in Maine, it seems both ethical and important that we agree on the terms and tenor of this engagement. I am not sure whether or not there is a similar procedure in your home state of California.  But in Maine, our campaigns, while not lacking in rigor or enthusiasm, operate in an atmosphere of mutual respect and in a distortion-free zone. I look forward to seeing you soon on the campaign trail here in Maine."

"I hope that our opponents will join us and sign the pledge," Connolly said.  "By agreeing to abide by these standards, we will ensure a campaign in which we can all take pride.  Marriage equality in Maine is about our commitment to fairness and justice.  And in the end, it's what voters both expect and deserve."

The ball is now in the opposition's court. Let's see what they decide to do with it.

Please join the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and Basic Rights Oregon (BRO) For a weekend of intimate events in Portland,featuring Kate Kendell, Esq., NCLR Executive Director and Jeana Frazzini, BRO Executive Director

The State of Our Unions: LGBT Legal & Policy Briefing Saturday, September 12, 2009 3:00 pm â€" 5:00 pm

Flying Cat Coffee Company 3041 SE Division Portland, Oregon

The legal landscape for LGBT people is ever-changing, and this year, that has proved to be especially true! With new victories and defeats occurring at a faster pace than ever, it’s hard to keep track of where our struggle for justice stere our struggle for justice stands, and how and where our relationships are protected. Join us for a presentation and discussion on the latest legal and policy issues affecting the LGBT community, including an update on moving forward with marriage equality in Oregon and other states and federal legislation and litigation. There is no cost to attend. No RSVP necessary.

A Social for Social Justice: Benefit Party with NCLR and BRO Sunday, September 13, 2009 3:00 pm â€" 5:00 pm

Nostrana Restaurant With award-winning Chef Cathy Whims 1401 SE Morrison Street Portland, Oregon So much has happened over this past year â€" we hope you can join us for a fun and intimate afternoon to catch up with NCLR and BRO and find out more about our current work and what lies ahead in the fight for our LGBT civil and human rights. Suggested Donation: $25, payable at the door. Please RSVP by September 4th to Dena Zaldúa-Hilkene at with subject line “NCLR Portland Event” or call 415.365.1303. Reservations will be held at the door.

The Portland Art Museum in collaboration with Bottlenotes will be hosting a wine tasting extravaganza Thursday, August 13th in which a portion of thhe Portland Art Museum in collaboration with Bottlenotes will be hosting a wine tasting extravaganza Thursday, August 13th in which a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Basic Rights Oregon. With over 80 of the finest wines from around the world, come ready to experience a night full of flavor and fun!
New York Comedians Aunt Joanna and Eddie Sarfaty will be performing a benefit show for Basic Rights Oregon on August 21st & 22nd at CC Slaughter's. The show Starts @ 8 P.M., so don't miss out on a night of hilarst & 22nd at CC Slaughter's. The show Starts @ 8 P.M., so don't miss out on a night of hilarity with two of the hottest comedians around!
Wednesday’s Entertainment & Life Posts includes: my personal ghost story; gay young adult fiction; ‘The Laramie Project’; gayt’; gay rodeos; Emmy gossip; gay panic at the movies; and Ottawa’s gay plans. Cowboys: Tradition, camp are 2 sides of gay rodeo Film Gossip: Gay Panic — How Gay Is Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes? Theatre: Big Opening for Epilogue to ‘The [...]

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