Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Combined Gay News Headlines (T5T-1)

GRATUITOUS SKIN — We've never quite seen a pool exit like this one from Edilson Nascimento. And paired with photog Jeremy Kost's view-from-the-top Polaroids? Everybody's gonna get wet. (And yes, this is the seventh time we've see Edilson on this blog. More here.) CONTINUED » CONTINUED » Permalink | Post a comment | Add to del.icio.us Tagged: Edilson Nascimento, [...]
"There's not a seething, bubbling hunger to see straight stars impersonating homosexuals," says former New York Post film critic and right-wing-y radio host Michael Medved of Sherlock Holmes. ""I think they're just trying to generate controversy . . . They know that making Holmes and Watson homosexual will take away two-thirds of their box office. [...]
SOUNDBITES — "When it gets down to the heart of the issue, I failed these kids. I failed these kids because I spent 10 years as an openly gay man doing nothing, saying nothing and living complacently while these groups and/or individuals continued to actively pursue demonizing LGBT people (or again, the action of [...]
REVIEW: “Celebration” by Madonna. Written by Madonna and Paul Oakenfold. Reviewers around the world are hurling the word “calculated” into the mix when reviewing “Celebration.” Some say that Madonna is desperate for a radio hit, and this is a scud missile of a single. I could not agree and disagree more. Yes, this single is an utter calculation. [...]
INTEGRATION on Wednesday was pretty much amazing. Check it out.
It was a great night. It has been for a while now. Though my observations can be perceived as a promotional opportunity, whatever. It’s rare that I can truly be in depth and honest about how I feel after DJing a night at Integration. Let me chalk this up to me being personal and not having blogged in [...]

During Equality California's (EQCA's) Los Angeles Awards Dinner, I had an opportunity to listen to award winner Representative Judy Chu (D-CA) speak, and had a brief opportunity to sit down with her. Rep. Judy Chu (left) and Autumn Sandeen (right) When I arrived at the dinner, her name was very familiar, but I just couldn't place it. But when she was introduced, and then spoke, I was a bit taken aback with awe.

I don't get taken aback with awe very much in my life anymore, so it's a big deal to me when I do. Tears actually welled up in my eyes when I realized who she was, and why her name was familiar to me. So let me tell you why I knew her name.

California Assemblymember John Perez (D-Los Angeles/46th District) introduced Rep. Chu. He reminded us that in 2002, Rep. Chu introduced AB 2651, the Foster Youth: Sexual Orientation and Religious Affiliation bill. Baptist Press: California governor vetoes transsexual foster-care billFirst the religious right labeled the bill the "Homosexual Foster Care Bill," later to rename it the "Transsexual Foster Care Bill." Governor Gray Davis (D-CA) vetoed the bill, Assemblymember Perez told us, because then Assemblymember Chu wouldn't remove transgender youth

The Foster Youth Anti-Discrimination Act was reintroduced in 2003 as AB 458. Transgender youth were included, and Gov. Davis signed that bill, in what folk like me perceived to be because he was pandering to the LGBT community -- due to the then pending recall against him.  

The point I took away from that fight, back then, was that our Democratic Assembly -- especially Assemblymember Judy Chu -- would not leave anyone behind. And, the people she would not leave behind were lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth who likely would never have an opportunity to vote to reelect her to the State Assembly. As a trans woman, I was sure -- am sure -- she wouldn't leave anyone behind.

Now, as of July 16th, she is a California Congresswoman, representing the 32nd District. She is the first Chinese-American Woman ever to serve in Congress, winning a special election for the seat.

In her acceptance speech for the EQCA Award, Congresswoman Chu (D-CA32) mentioned hate crimes. She drew the parallel between Kenny Chiu and Matthew Sheppard:

Kenny Chiu was a 17 year old Taiwanese American who was stabbed to death 26 times in the driveway of his own home by his neo-nazi neighbor just for being Asian American. Matthew Shepherd was only 21 years old when he was dragged from a bar, beaten, tied to a split-rail fence like a scarecrow and left to die in the cold of the night--- just for being gay.

I cannot fight for the civil rights of one group without fighting for the civil rights of the other. Things will not change until people stand up and say strongly and unflinchingly that we will not tolerate making anybody in this state a second class citizen.

It was moving.

This is where I get to talk about what a horrible interviewer I was that night. I had a chance to interview her after she received the award, Congresswoman Judy Chu (left) and Autumn Sandeen (right) at the Equality California Awards Dinner, Los Angeles, August 1, 2009and frankly I spent my time that I had to interview her to fawn over her...to tell her how much I appreciated her work for transgender people and transgender youth when she was an Assemblymember.

In my one serious question for Rep. Chu, I asked what message she would want to share with the Pam's House Blend audience. She told me two things. One was that she that didn't have a federal hate crime law (Matthew Sheppard Act) and an employment non-discrimination law (ENDA) that included lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans people to be "ridiculous" to her, and that she planned to continuetinue to fight for the rights of all people.

I don't doubt it for a minute.

Honestly, I can't thank Equality California enough for honoring California's newest congresswoman. Congresswoman Chu is a politician of whom I can say -- with genuine heartfelt feeling -- so deserved the recognition she received this past weekend.

Photographs of Congresswoman Judy Chu and Autumn Sandeen by Karen Ocamb of In/Frontiers Magazine.

Further Reading:
* The Advocate: Gala Raises Cash, Awards Equality Heroes

Austin, Texas City Council Members Laura Morrison and Bill Spelman have submitted a resolution to the city council to beef up the city's non-discrimination policy as it applies to companies bidding on city contracts. Under a 1992 ordinance, companies that submit bids for city contracts must sign a form that the company does not discriminate against current or prospective employees on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity among other factors, but the policy provided no assurance that the company was actually complying with those non-discrimination tenets. Under the Morrison-Spelman proposal, the ordinance would be amended and companies would now be required to show proof of their non-discrimination policy and authorize the termination of contractors that do not comply with the policy and prevents them from being awarded future contracts until they are within compliance.

More info and a copy of the draft resolution are below the fold.
The resolution would also have the city manager examine ways of encouraging companies seeking economic development loans, tax breaks or other incentives to have non-discrimination policies and offer domestic partner benefits to their employees. Council Member Morrison told the Austin American Statesman that this could be done by asking such companies about any domestic partner benefits program of policies they have on their application, but disregarding the response to that question when making a decision upon the application. The manager would also be required to report back to the council with suggestio ns for monitoring companies for compliance with the non-discrimination policies. The new rules would only affect contracts valued at $50,000 or more, the threshold for contract approval by the city council.

Morrison and Spelman also wants to provide help to companies that need to write such a policy in order to comply with the changes. Under the resolution, the city will come up with a model non-discrimination policy that companies can adopt. Said Morrison, "If anyone needs help putting one together we can certainly help them with that."

The resolution, as submitted to the council is as follows:

WHEREAS, the state and federal government do not currently provide protections against discrimination against an individual based on sexual orientation or gender identity; and

WHEREAS, it is a value of the City of Austin to be an open and inclusive city for all of its citizens, including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)LGBT); and

WHEREAS, in 1992, the City of Austin passed an Ordinance creating Chapter 7-4, now codified as Chapter 5-4 (Discrimination in Employment by City Contractors) of the City Code to prohibit discrimination in employment by City Contractors, including discrimination against an individual based on sexual orientation or gender identity (added in Ord. 20040610-7); and

WHEREAS, on May 13, 2006, City of Austin voters amended the City Charter to allow domestic partner benefits for City employees; and

WHEREAS, the City encourages and wants to attract companies that provide non-discrimination policies that include both sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as provide domestic partner benefits to their LGBT employees and their families; and

WHEREAS, in 1992 the Austin City Council also passed an ordinance declaring that it is the policy of the City to provide opportunity for each person to obtain employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, or disability, and the Human Resources Department is currently reviewing the City's personnel policies and other internal guidelines, including the City's Equal Opportunity and Non-discrimination statements; NOW, THEREFORE,


That the City Manager is directed to amend the City's Standard Terms and Conditions used in competitive procurements required by state law: (1) to require a copy of the contractor's employment non-discrimination policy when applying for City contracting opportunities and (2) to specify that non-compliance with Chapter 5-4 will terminate a contract and may hinder a contractor's eligibility for future contracts until deemed compliant with Chapter 5-4.


To assist contractors with this administrative change, the City Manager shall prepare a model non-discriminatory policy for use by City contractors.


That the City Manager is directed to review and amend all economic development loan programs and incentives, such as the Economic Development Business Information Forms, to encourage Domestic Partner benefits and non-discrimination policies including sexual orientation and gender identity.


The City Manager is directed to review the City's current compliance processes related to contractor non-discrimination and report back to council on changes that would ensure more effective compliance monitoring.


The City Manager is directed to report to council on the Human Resources Department's review of the City's personnel policies and other internal guidelines related to non-discrimination for sexual orientation and gender identity.

news links on the proposal:
Austin Business Journal: City of Austin considers giving more teeth to non-discrimination policy
News 8 Austin: City could toughen nondiscrimination requirement
Austin American-Statesman: City may require contractors to prove they have nondiscrimination policy

Via Huff Post, a must-watch:
It's been a rough couple of years for South Carolinians: Their governor disappeared for a week then admitted to an affair that he wouldn't shut up about, one of their senators quoted Steve Urkel while trying to make a serious political point, their representative to the Miss Teen USA contest gave the dumbest answer in pageant history, one of their GOP activist compared Michelle Obama to a gorilla, and now they've become the poster children for sex with horses.

On Friday, Aug. 7, Miracle Theatre Group is pleased to host “Tragic Magic”, an evening with three different solo performance artists from New York City â€" Heather Ács, Glenn Marla and Silas Howard â€" sharing three separate, but complementary excerpts of new works. The performance begins at 8 p.m. at the Milagro Theatre (525 SE Stark St., Portland). Tickets are $12 from 503-236-7253 or www.pdxtix.net/milagro or the PDX Ticket Network box office at the Hollywood Theatre daily 1-9 p.m.
Hey all you PRIDEsters, the date for Salem's Capitol Pride has been updated from the 15th to the 22nd of August. Make sure you mark your calendars and we hope to see you there!

When: August 22nd from 12 p.m.-7 p.m. Where: Cascades Gateway Park in Salem

BRO Staff iateway Park in Salem

BRO Staff in Attendence: Juan

Visit GayTalkRadio, a 24/7 LGBTQIA Independent Internet Radio Station

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