Friday, April 11, 2008

Aquinas College cancels gay-rights speaker John Corvino

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GRAND RAPIDS — After Aquinas College canceled a presentation by philosopher and gay-rights advocate John Corvino, a group of students now is looking for an independent venue to host the speaker.

Corvino's presentation "What's Morally Wrong with Homosexuality?" was scheduled last week at the college, but administrators postponed it until April 22 after receiving complaints.

Aquinas President Ed Balog canceled the event Thursday, saying the Catholic school cannot endorse a program that directly opposes church teachings.

Some Aquinas students said they are upset about the way administrators handled the issue. It has sparked an online debate in some parts of the community.

Tree Top Productions, an Aquinas student programming group, set up Corvino's visit and said it was approved by an adviser.

"The programming board had been actively advertising since January and they canceled the morning of the event. It was very disrespectful to Corvino, and to the students that wanted to hear him speak," said junior Bev Pels, 21.

She said organizers are hoping to find a new, off-campus venue that can seat up to 70 people. Corvino has offered to speak for free.

Rebecca Kirk, 19, of Sturgis, was upset by the college's decision because, she said, Aquinas is known for being more open-minded than some private schools.

"We want to bring him ... so people can hear what he has to say," Kirk said. "The best way to get someone interested in hearing someone is by censoring him."

Sophomore Anna Thiakos, 20, agreed.

"It's important that free speech isn't censored and that we address the problem of homophobia in our community, whether it's from a secular or religious point of view."

full article

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God forbid any Catholic learn to think for their self.

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